Berlin & his milieu

![[02007] Isaiah Berlin with Harvard group](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02007%5D%20IB%20sat%20wuth%205%20other%20men%2C%20all%20in%20suits%2C%20all%20but%20one%20looking%20up%20at%20camera.jpg)
[02007] Isaiah Berlin with Harvard group
Isaiah Berlin with Sam Beer, Adam Ulam, Rory Macridis, Louis Hartz, and Robert McCloskey at Harvard, spring 1949. Published in Enlightening: Letters 1946–1960

![[10017] Berlin at airfield, Negev](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10017%5D%20IB%20at%20airfield%20near%20Sde%20Boker%201967-68%202.jpg)
[10017] Berlin at airfield, Negev
Berlin with others at airfield near Sde Boker kibbutz, Negev. 1967 or 1968.

![[10054] Berlin and Bob Silvers](/sites/default/files/2018-02/%5B10054%5D%20album%203%20photo%205.jpg)
[10054] Berlin and Bob Silvers
Berlin and Bob Silvers at Montepulciano, summer 1976.

![[03014] Berlin and Nabokov](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03014%5D%20100%20IB%20portrait%20with%20Nicolas%20Nabokov%20summer%201969.jpg)
[03014] Berlin and Nabokov
Berlin and Nicolas Nabokov at Headington House, 1969.

![[04006] Berlin and Shirley Morgan](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04006%5D%20100%20IB%20and%20Shirley%20Morgan.jpg)
[04006] Berlin and Shirley Morgan
Berlin with Shirley Morgan. Published in Berlin: A Life, plate 8.

![[09138] Berlin and Sidney Morgenbesser](/sites/default/files/2018-02/%5B09138%5D%20600%20IB%20in%20discussion%20with%20Sidney%20Morgenbesser%20New%20York%201982.jpg)
[09138] Berlin and Sidney Morgenbesser
Berlin and Morgenbesser at Grace Dudley's house, New York, in either 1980 or 1981. Photo by Dominique Nabokov. Published in Affirming.

![[01003] Postcard of CCC quad](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01003%5D%20Corpus%20Quad%20-%20Postcard%20%5B100%5D.jpeg)
[01003] Postcard of CCC quad
A postcard showing Corpus Christi College.

![[01014] IB shaving](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01014%5D%20IB%20shaving%20-%20Prudence%20Pelham%2C%201936%20%5B100%5D.jpg)
[01014] IB shaving
Berlin shaving in a mirror held by Prudence Pelham. Mill House, Falmer, Sussex, c. 1936. Published in Flourishing.

![[01005] IB and group in garden](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01005%5D%20IB%20and%20group%20in%20garden%20-%20eight%20people%20%5B100%5D.jpeg)
[01005] IB and group in garden
Berlin and others in a garden, including Jasper Ridley (smoking, middle-left).

![[01004] Group in garden](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01004%5D%20Group%20photo%20-%20garden%2C%205%20adults%20%5B100%5D.jpg)
[01004] Group in garden
A group in a garden, unknown date or location.

![[01016] IB in garden with another](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01016%5D%20IB%20with%20unknown%20-%20garden%20and%20cottage%20%5B100%5D.jpg)
[01016] IB in garden with another
Berlin with another, unknown location. Label on back reads 'Week of Aug 25 195*' - possibly 1952 or 1958.

![[01018] Berlin talking to Julian Asquith](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01018%5D%20IB%20in%20suit%2C%20one%20other%20adult%2C%20IB%20waving%20hands.jpg)
[01018] Berlin talking to Julian Asquith
Berlin talking to Julian Asquith (from 1928 the 2nd Earl of Oxford and Asquith), unknown date, but late–1920s/early–1930s; location possibly Oxford or Mells Manor, Somerset.

![[01019] Berlin sitting with Phoebe Pool](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01019%5D%20IB%20in%20garden%20on%20bench%2C%20tree%20and%20woman.jpg)
[01019] Berlin sitting with Phoebe Pool
Berlin sitting with Phoebe Pool beneath a tree; unknown date and location (but inter-war?)

![[01020] Berlin sat outdoors, garden with many people](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01020%5D%20IB%20in%20garden%2C%20sat%20on%20stone%20wall%2C%20party%20on%20lawn.jpg)
[01020] Berlin sat outdoors, garden with many people
Berlin amongst many others in a large garden. Unknown date and location.

![[01021] All Souls Great Quadrangle](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01021%5D%20All%20Souls%20Great%20Quadrangle.jpg)
[01021] All Souls Great Quadrangle
All Souls College, Great Quadrangle, Hawksmoor's towers in the centre.

![[01022] Berlin in greatcoat looks off camera](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01022%5D%20Figure%20in%20coat%2C%20glasses%2C%20French%20Alps.jpg)
[01022] Berlin in greatcoat looks off camera
Isaiah Berlin stands in a greatcoat, hat and glasses, looking off-camera, Chalet des Mélèzes, French Alps, early September 1933.

![[01025] Berlin on horseback, with others](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01025%5D%20IB%20on%20horseback%2C%20with%20Stuart%20Hampshire%20and%20Con.%20O%20Neill.jpg)
[01025] Berlin on horseback, with others
IB rides a horse, between two other riders: Stuart Hampshire on his left, Con O’Neil on his right. They are halted on a rough track, with a figure walking away from them in the background. A hill is visible back-right. Killarney, Ireland.

![[01026] Irish landscape](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01026%5D%20Irish%20landscape%2C%20boat%20and%20quay%20in%20foreground%2C%20water%20and%20hills%20in%20back%20left%20and%20distance.jpg)
[01026] Irish landscape
Landscape in Ireland: boat with oars aside a quay in the foreground, a rocky shore beyond, and hills on the horizon. Water on the left, with a figure crouched on the shore in the middle-distance, unidentifiable. Loch Annilaun, Ireland.

![[01027] IB on quay with others](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01027%5D%20Ireland%20-%20IB%20in%20wellies%20with%20pair%20-%20one%20on%20quay%20and%20other%20in%20a%20rowing%20boat.jpg)
[01027] IB on quay with others
IB stands in wellies on a low quay by the lake; another person stands next to him; a woman stoops in the boat. A hill dominates the horizon. Sometime in 1938.

![[01028] Berlin on quay with others](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01028%5D%20Ireland%20-%20IB%20in%20wellies%20with%20pair%2C%20all%20standing%20on%20quay.jpg)
[01028] Berlin on quay with others
IB stands in wellies on a low quay by the lake; Cox stands next to him, also in wellies; a barefooted? Maire Lynd also stands on the quay, all three looking at the rowing boat/something nearby. A hill dominates the horizon. IB smoking? Lough Annilaun, Ireland.

![[01029] Irish landscape](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01029%5D%20Ireland%20-%20landscape%2C%20lake%20with%20two%20rows%20of%20hills%20beyond%2C%20shrubs%20very%20close%20to%20camera.jpg)
[01029] Irish landscape
Irish landscape, 1934.

![[01030] Woman carrying jugs](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01030%5D%20Ireland%20-%20woman%20carrying%20two%20jugs%2C%20landscape%20beyond%2C%20bush%20on%20righ.jpg)
[01030] Woman carrying jugs
A woman walks towards the camera carrying two white jugs. Around her is long grass, and beyond the lake meets the sandy? coastline. A hill in back left, a bush in front right.

![[01031] Two women sat on beach](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01031%5D%20Ireland%20-%20two%20women%20on%20a%20sandy%20beach%2C%20one%20stitting%2C%20one%20standing.jpg)
[01031] Two women sat on beach
Two women on a sandy beach, with water and another shoreline visible in back left. One sits in a dark dress, other stands in a white dress. A blanket and other items are nearby. Lough Annilaun, Ireland

![[01032] Woman fishing by lake](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01032%5D%20Ireland%20-%20woman%20fishing%20by%20lake%2C%20landscape%20beyond.jpg)
[01032] Woman fishing by lake
Unidentified woman standing on shore, casting a fishing rod into the lake. Hilly landscape beyond. Lough Annilaun, Ireland

![[01033] Four people standing around car](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01033%5D%20Ireland%20-%20car%20with%20four%20people%2C%20all%20looking%20at%20the%20camera.jpg)
[01033] Four people standing around car
Christopher Cox and Countess Metaxa with two others by a car, Ireland.

![[01034] Ireland, two women by shore](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01034%5D%20Ireland%20-%20two%20women%20by%20the%20shore%2C%20looking%20at%20fishing%20line.jpg)
[01034] Ireland, two women by shore
Two women sat by the shore, looking at a fishing line which is held by one. Loch Annilaun, Ireland.

![[01035] Three people sat at table on verandah](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01035%5D%20Ireland%20-%20three%20people%20sat%20at%20a%20table%20on%20a%20verandah.jpg)
[01035] Three people sat at table on verandah
Probably Christopher Cox and two women, probably including Maire Lynd, sit at a table under a low verandah, taking tea. Loch Annilaun, Ireland.

![[01036] Christopher Cox smoking a pipe](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01036%5D%20Christopher%20Cox%20smoking.jpeg)
[01036] Christopher Cox smoking a pipe
Christopher Cox holds a bucket, pipe in mouth, probably 1934. Loch Annilaun, Ireland.

![[01039] Group on a minecart of sorts](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01039%5D%20Group%20on%20minecart%2C%20Salzburg.jpg)
[01039] Group on a minecart of sorts
Berlin sat with others on a vehicle of some sort. Published in Flourishing.

![[01040] Berlin sat with Natasha Spender](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01040%5D%20IB%20in%20chair%20outside%2C%20cigarette%2C%20woman%20also%20sat.jpg)
[01040] Berlin sat with Natasha Spender
Berlin and Natasha Spender in Salzburg, Austria, August 1946.

![[01041] Berlin walking on street outside Taylorian](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01041%5D%20IB%20walking%20on%20street%20outside%20Taylorian.jpg)
[01041] Berlin walking on street outside Taylorian
Berlin walking down St Giles towards Beaumont Street, passing the Taylorian Institute, Oxford.

![[01042] IB in group portrait, New College](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01042%5D%20IB%20with%20group%20on%20lawn%2C%20New%20College%20ball.jpg)
[01042] IB in group portrait, New College
Berlin with others at New College, 1931.

![[01043] IB in group portrait, New College](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01043%5D%20IB%20with%20group%20on%20lawn%2C%20New%20College%20ball%2C%20IB%20has%20hand%20to%20his%20chin.jpg)
[01043] IB in group portrait, New College
Berlin with others at New College, 1931.

![[01044] Berlin sat with Natasha Spender](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01044%5D%20IB%20in%20chair%20outside%2C%20cigarette%2C%20arms%20semi-crossed%20over%20cane%2C%20Natasha%20Spender%20looking%20at%20her%20hands%20next%20to%20him.jpg)
[01044] Berlin sat with Natasha Spender
Berlin with Natasha Spender in Salzburg, Austria, 1946.

![[01045] Berlin with Natasha Spender](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01045%5D%20IB%20and%20Natasha%20Spender.jpeg)
[01045] Berlin with Natasha Spender
Berlin with Natasha Spender, Salzburg, August 1946.

![[01063] Group working on pipes on lawn](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01063%5D%20Group%20at%20work%20over%20a%20system%20of%20pipes%2C%20a%20chalet%20in%20the%20background.jpg)
[01063] Group working on pipes on lawn
A group including Berlin working on pipes across a lawn, Chalets des Mélèzes, French Alps.

![[01064] Group working on pipes on lawn](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01064%5D%20Large%20group%20of%207%20at%20work%20over%20system%20of%20pipes%20on%20lawn.jpg)
[01064] Group working on pipes on lawn
Group at work on pipe on lawn, Chalets des Mélèzes, French Alps.

![[01065] Two men with tennis rackets](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01065%5D%20Two%20men%20with%20tennis%20rackets%20look%20up%20at%20a%20roof%2C%20from%20which%20the%20photo%20has%20been%20taken.jpg)
[01065] Two men with tennis rackets
Probably Christopher Cox and Shaun Wylie at Chalets des Mélèzes, French Alps.

![[01067] Group look at pipe system](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B01067%5D%20Group%20of%20men%2C%20including%20IB%2C%20stand%20over%20a%20pipe%20system%20-%20chalet%20looms%20large%20in%20the%20background.jpg)
[01067] Group look at pipe system
Group looking at pipe at Chalets des Mélèzes, French Alps.

![[02001] Berlin and Hampshrie at All Souls](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02001%5D%20IB%20and%20SH%20in%20chairs%2C%20room%20in%20All%20Souls.jpg)
[02001] Berlin and Hampshrie at All Souls
Berlin and Hampshire in rooms at All Souls, unknown date.

![[02007] Isaiah Berlin with Harvard group](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02007%5D%20IB%20sat%20wuth%205%20other%20men%2C%20all%20in%20suits%2C%20all%20but%20one%20looking%20up%20at%20camera.jpg)
[02007] Isaiah Berlin with Harvard group
Isaiah Berlin with Sam Beer, Adam Ulam, Rory Macridis, Louis Hartz, and Robert McCloskey at Harvard, spring 1949. Published in Enlightening: Letters 1946–1960

![[02008] Berlin at dinner with two others](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02008%5D%20IB%20sat%20at%20dinner%20table%20with%20man%20in%20suit%20and%20lady%20in%20white%20dress.jpg)
[02008] Berlin at dinner with two others
Berlin dining with Ronald and Marietta Tree, aboard the Queen Elizabeth, September 1953. Published in Enlightening.

![[02009] Poster for Berlin lecture 'History as an Alibi'](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02009%5D%20Poster%20for%20History%20as%20an%20Alibi.jpg)
[02009] Poster for Berlin lecture 'History as an Alibi'
First page of a leaflet advertisement for Berlin's LSE lecture, 12 May 1953, 'History as an Alibi'. Published in Enlightening.

![[02029] IB and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02029%5D%20IB%20and%20Marcus%20Dick%20side%20by%20side%20in%20conversation%2C%20IB%20holding%20glasses%2C%20black%20background.jpg)
[02029] IB and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02030] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02030%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20facing%20each%20other%20in%20conversation%2C%20standing%20under%20an%20arch%20in%20cloisters%2C%20New%20College.jpg)
[02030] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02031] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02031%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20silhouetted%20against%20New%20gardens%2C%20IB%20pointing%20with%20something%20at%20Cecil%2C%20who%20holds%20hat%20behind%20back.jpg)
[02031] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02032] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02032%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20silhouetted%20against%20New%20gardens%2C%20both%20looking%20at%20trees.jpg)
[02032] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02033] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02033%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20under%20arch%2C%20with%20New%20College%20Front%20quad%20beyond.jpg)
[02033] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02034] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02034%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20under%20arch%2C%20with%20New%20College%20Front%20quad%20beyond%2C%20IB%20pointing%20pipe%20at%20Cecil.jpg)
[02034] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02035] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02035%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20under%20arch%2C%20looking%20at%20one%20another%2C%20camera%20looking%20out%20into%20quad.jpg)
[02035] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02036] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02036%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20under%20arch%2C%20looking%20at%20one%20another%2C%20camera%20looking%20out%20into%20quad%3B%20%5B2%20of%203%5D.jpg)
[02036] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02037] Berlin and David Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02037%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20under%20arch%2C%20looking%20at%20one%20another%2C%20camera%20looking%20out%20into%20quad%3B%20%5B3%20of%203%5D.jpg)
[02037] Berlin and David Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02038] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02038%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20sat%20in%20cloisters%2C%20New%20College%2C%20either%20side%20of%20arch%2C%20conversing.jpg)
[02038] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02039] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02039%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20under%20arch%2C%20looking%20at%20one%20another%2C%20camera%20looking%20out%20into%20quad%3B%20%5B3%20of%204%5D.jpg)
[02039] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02040] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02040%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20sat%20in%20Cloisers%2C%20New%20College%2C%20next%20to%20one%20another.%20IB%27s%20eyes%20are%20closed.jpg)
[02040] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02041] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02041%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20sat%20in%20Cloisers%2C%20New%20College%2C%20next%20to%20one%20another%2C%20IB%20appears%20to%20be%20looking%20at%20the%20camera.jpg)
[02041] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02042] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02042%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20sat%20in%20Cloisers%2C%20New%20College%2C%20next%20to%20one%20another%2C%20IB%20appears%20to%20blurred.jpg)
[02042] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02043] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02043%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20sat%20in%20Cloisers%2C%20New%20College%2C%20next%20to%20one%20another%2C%20camera%20at%20a%20distance%2C%20both%20looking%20out%20at%20quad.jpg)
[02043] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02044] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02044%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20sat%20in%20Cloisters%2C%20New%20College%2C%20next%20to%20one%20another%2C%20camera%20at%20a%20distance%2C%20Cecil%27s%20eyes%20closed.jpg)
[02044] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02045] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02045%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20sat%20in%20Cloisters%2C%20New%20College%2C%20next%20to%20one%20another%2C%20camera%20at%20a%20distance%2C%20Cecil%20looking%20at%20IB.jpg)
[02045] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02046] Berlin at New College](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02046%5D%20IB%20stands%20alone%20at%20a%20gate%20in%20New%20College%2C%20pipe%20in%20mouth.jpg)
[02046] Berlin at New College
Berlin at New College. Image from Norman Parkinson.

![[02048] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02048%5D.jpg)
[02048] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil at New College, 1950. Image from the Norman Parkinson archive.

![[02051] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02051%5D%20IB%20sat%20in%20Cloisters%2C%20New%20College%2C%20with%20David%20Cecil%20stood%20before%20him%3B%20they%20converse.jpg)
[02051] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil, New College, 1950. Photo by Norman Parkinson.

![[02056] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02056%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20talk%2C%20Cecil%20eyes%20closed%2C%20both%20seem%20amused%2C%20close%20up.jpg)
[02056] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil, New College, 1950. Photo by Norman Parkinson.

![[02057] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02057%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20stand%20in%20archway%2C%20talking%2C%20IB%20pointing%20glasses%20at%20Cecil%2C%20who%20has%20his%20hands%20in%20pockets.jpg)
[02057] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil, New College, 1950. Photo by Norman Parkinson.

![[02058] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02058%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20stand%20in%20archway%2C%20talking%2C%20IB%20pointing%20glasses%20at%20Cecil%2C%20who%20has%20his%20hands%20in%20pockets%20and%20looks%20at%20camera.jpg)
[02058] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil, New College, 1950. Photo by Norman Parkinson.

![[02059] Berlin and Cecil](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02059%5D%20IB%20and%20David%20Cecil%20stand%20in%20arch%2C%20lawn%20behind%2C%20silhouetted%2C%20conversing.jpg)
[02059] Berlin and Cecil
Berlin and David Cecil, New College, 1950. Photo by Norman Parkinson.

![[02071] Berlin sat with two others at a table](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02071%5D%20IB%20sat%20at%20table%20with%20two%20men%2C%20a%20meal%20before%20them_11.jpg)
[02071] Berlin sat with two others at a table
Berlin with Louis Finkelstein, HE Shabtai Rosenne, at the Ratner Centre for the Study of Conservative Judaism, Jewish Theological Seminary, New York. Decmeber 1959.

![[02080] Berlin with 6 others](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02080%5D%20IB%20standing%20in%20middle%20of%20seven%20men%2C%20all%20posing%20for%20photograph%20in%20suits_0.jpg)
[02080] Berlin with 6 others
Berlin with six other unidentified men, unknown date. Possibly in London - image is from 'E H Emanuel'.

![[02082] Berlin with others outside white house](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B02082%5D%20IB%20and%20two%20others%20standing%20before%20white%20wooden%20house.jpg)
[02082] Berlin with others outside white house
Berlinand two others (initials ‘ANM’ and ‘RH’, l to r) standing before white wooden house, unknown date and location.

![[03006] Berlin and Nabokov](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03006%5D%20100%20IB%20and%20Nicolas%20Nabokov%20in%20discussion%201969.jpg)
[03006] Berlin and Nabokov
Berlin and Nicolas Nabokov at Headington House, 1969.

![[03014] Berlin and Nabokov](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03014%5D%20100%20IB%20portrait%20with%20Nicolas%20Nabokov%20summer%201969.jpg)
[03014] Berlin and Nabokov
Berlin and Nicolas Nabokov at Headington House, 1969.

![[03016] Berlin with Nabokov and Hampshire](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03016%5D%20100%20IB%20Stuart%20Hampshire%20and%20Nicolas%20Nabokov%20Headington%20House%20garden%201969.jpg)
[03016] Berlin with Nabokov and Hampshire
Berlin with Nabokov and Hampshire, Headington House, 1969.

![[03018] Berlin and Akhmatova](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03018%5D%20100%20IB%20Akhmatova.jpg)
[03018] Berlin and Akhmatova
The only known photograph of Berlin and Akhmatova. 12 June 1965, Radcliffe Square; the day Akhmatova received her honorary doctorate from Oxford. Dmitry Obolensky and Anna Kaminskaya are also visible.

![[03019] Jean Floud](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03019%5D%20100%20Jean%20Floud%20Nuffield%201971.jpg)
[03019] Jean Floud
Jean Floud, Oxford, 1971. Published in Building.

![[03022] IB sat with others](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03022%5D%20IB%20sat%20with%20others%2C%20in%20suit.jpg)
[03022] IB sat with others
Berlin sat amongst others, unknown date and location.

![[03026] Group of people at table](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03026%5D%20Group%20of%20people%20sat%20at%20table%2C%20documents%20before%20them.jpg)
[03026] Group of people at table
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03028] Berlin with others in Israel](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03028%5D%20Group%20of%20people%20talking%20at%20a%20table.jpg)
[03027] Berlin with others in Israel
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03029] Berlin and others at a table](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03029%5D%20Group%20of%20people%20standing%20at%20table%2C%20heads%20bowed.jpg)
[03029] Berlin and others at a table
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03030] Berlin and others discussing](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03030%5D%20Group%20of%20people%20discussing%20papers%20at%20a%20table%2C%20IB%20looks%20on.jpg)
[03030] Berlin and others discussing
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03031] Berlin and others in Israel](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03031%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20discussing%20at%20a%20table.jpg)
[03031] Berlin and others in Israel
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03032] Berlin and others at a table](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03032%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20discussing%20at%20a%20table.jpg)
[03032] Berlin and others at a table
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03033] Berlin and others in Israel](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03033%5D%20IB%20%2B%20large%20group%20meeting%20at%20a%20table.jpg)
[03033] Berlin and others in Israel
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03034] Berlin and others in Israel](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03034%5D%20IB%20%2B%20large%20group%20meeting%20at%20a%20table.jpg)
[03034] Berlin and others in Israel
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03035] IB and others in Israel](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03035%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20discussing%20at%20a%20table.jpg)
[03035] IB and others in Israel
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03036] Berlin and others in Israel](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03036%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20discussing%20at%20a%20table.jpg)
[03036] Berlin and others in Israel
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03037] Berlin and others in Israel](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03027%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20discussing%20at%20a%20table.jpg)
[03037] Berlin and others in Israel
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03038] IB and others in Israel](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03038%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20discussing%20at%20a%20table.jpg)
[03038] IB and others in Israel
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03039] Berlin and others in Israel](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03039%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20discussing%20at%20a%20table.jpg)
[03039] Berlin and others in Israel
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03040] Berlin and others in Israel](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03040%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20table%2C%20man%20standing%20and%20speaking.jpg)
[03040] Berlin and others in Israel
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03041] Berlin in conversation](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03041%5D%20IB%20in%20conversation%2C%20two%20others%20talk%20nearby.jpg)
[03041] Berlin in conversation
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03042] Berlin in conversation](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03042%5D%20IB%20in%20conversation%2C%20four%20others%20talk%20nearby.jpg)
[03042] Berlin in conversation
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03043] Berlin in conversation](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03043%5D%20IB%20in%20conversation%2C%20man%20with%20notebook.jpg)
[03043] Berlin in conversation
Berlin and others at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, December 1969.

![[03044] Tel Aviv University](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03044%5D%20Night%20shot%20of%20building%2C%20crowd%20outside.jpg)
[03044] Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv University, Israel, 3 June 1973.

![[03045] Berlin shaking hands with another](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03045%5D%20IB%20shaking%20hands%20with%20man%2C%20academic%20gown.jpg)
[03045] Berlin shaking hands with another
Berlin at a degree ceremony, Tel Aviv University, June 1973.

![[03046] Man speaking in Tel Aviv](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03046%5D%20Speech%2C%20men%20in%20academic%20wear.jpg)
[03046] Man speaking in Tel Aviv
Man speaking at a degree ceremony, Tel Aviv, 1973.

![[03047] Group in Tel Aviv](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03047%5D%20Row%20of%20people%20sat%20at%20a%20table%20under%20large%20banners.jpg)
[03047] Group in Tel Aviv
Group at degree ceremony, Tel Aviv University, June 1973.

![[03048] Berlin speaking at degree ceremony](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03048%5D%20IB%20speaking%20in%20gown%2C%20people%20look%20on.jpg)
[03048] Berlin speaking at degree ceremony
Berlin speaking at degree ceremony, Tel Aviv University, June 1973.

![[03049] Berlin and others in academic dress](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03049%5D%20IB%20sitting%20in%20academic%20garb%20with%20three%20others.jpg)
[03049] Berlin and others in academic dress
Berlin and others at degree ceremony, Tel Aviv, June 1973.

![[03050] Large group in Tel Aviv](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03050%5D%20Large%20crowd%20sat%20outside%20at%20night.jpg)
[03050] Large group in Tel Aviv
Large group at degree ceremony, Tel Aviv University, June 1973.

![[03051] IB in conversation](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03051%5D%20IB%20in%20conversation%20with%20man.jpg)
[03051] IB in conversation
Berlin in conversation with a man, degree ceremony in Tel Aviv, June 1973.

![[03052] IB and AB with others, Israel](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03052%5D%20IB%20and%20AB%20posing%20for%20photo%20with%20four%20others.jpg)
[03052] IB and AB with others, Israel
Berlin, Aline and others at degree ceremony, Tel Aviv University, June 1973.

![[03053] Berlin and Aline with others, Israel](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03053%5D%20IB%20and%20AB%20posing%20for%20photo%20with%20two%20others.jpg)
[03053] Berlin and Aline with others, Israel
Berlin and Aline with others at degree ceremony, Tel Aviv, June 1973.

![[03054] Aline in conversation](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03054%5D%20AB%20talking%20with%20another%20woman.jpg)
[03054] Aline in conversation
Aline in conversation with another, degree ceremony, Tel Aviv University, June 1973.

![[03055] IB and AB at dinner, Israel](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B03055%5D%20IB%20and%20AB%20at%20dinner%20table%20with%20others.jpg)
[03055] IB and AB at dinner, Israel
Berlin and Aline dining with others, Tel Aviv University, June 1973.

![[04002] IB, Anna Freud Yehudi Menuhin](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04002%5D%20100%20IB%20and%20Anna%20Freud%201976.jpg)
[04002] IB, Anna Freud and Yehudi Menuhin
Berlin, Anna Freud, and Yehudi Menuhin, sometime in 1976.

![[04003] IB and contributors to 'The Idea of Freedom'](/sites/default/files/2018-02/%5B04003%5D%20600%20IB%20and%20contributors%20to%20The%20Idea%20of%20Freedom%20June%201979_0.jpg)
[04003] IB and contributors to 'The Idea of Freedom'
Berlin and contributors to the first festschrift in his honour, The Idea of Freedom, June 1979. Image published in Affirming and The Book of Isaiah.
L to R: Pat Utechin, Herbert Hart, Robert Wokler, Jerry Cohen, Alan Ryan, Henry Hardy, IB, Chuck Taylor, Bernard Williams, Robin Milner-Gulland, Richard Wollheim, Patrick Gardiner, Stuart Hampshire, Larry Siedentop.

![[04007] Berlin with Shirley Morgan](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04007%5D%20100%20IB%20and%20Shirley%20Morgan.jpg)
[04007] Berlin with Shirley Morgan
Berlin with Shirley Morgan, 1946.

![[04008] Isaiah Berlin and Shirley Morgan](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04008%5D%20100%20IB%20and%20Shirley%20Morgan.jpg)
[04008] Isaiah Berlin and Shirley Morgan
Berlin with Shirley Morgan, 1946.

![[04009] Berlin with Sir Anthony Kenny](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04009%5D%20100%20IB%20in%20conversation%20w%20Sir%20Anthony%20Kenny%20summer%201988.jpg)
[04009] Berlin with Sir Anthony Kenny
Berlin talking to Sir Anthony Kenny, July 1988.

![[04010] Isaiah Berlin with George Richardson](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04010%5D%20Burman%20-%20IB%2C%20Wolfson%2C%20June%201979.jpg)
[04010] Isaiah Berlin with George Richardson
Isaiah Berlin with George Richardson, then Secretary to the Delegates, OUP, at the lunch at Wolfson College, Oxford, to celebrate IB's first Festschrift, June 1979

![[04011] Berlin at conference](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04011%5D%20%20IB%20at%20a%20conference%201970s.jpg)
[04011] Berlin at conference
Probably in Switzerland, 1970s. Conference, IB in attendance.

![[04012] Berlin at conference](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04012%5D%20100%20IB%20at%20a%20conference%201970s%20-%202.jpg)
[04012] Berlin at conference
Probably in Switzerland, 1970s. Conference, IB in attendance.

![[04013] Berlin at conference](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04013%5D%20100%20IB%20at%20a%20conference%201970s%20-%203.jpg)
[04013] Berlin at conference
Probably in Switzerland, 1970s. Conference, IB in attendance.

![[04014] Berlin at conference](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04014%5D%20100%20IB%20at%20a%20conference%201970s%20-%204.jpg)
[04014] Berlin at conference
Probably in Switzerland, 1970s. Conference, IB in attendance.

![[04018] Berlin in Toronto](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04018%5D%20100%20IB%20portrait%20hon%20doctorate%20univ%20of%20Toronto%201994.jpg)
[04018] Berlin in Toronto
IB with group, during visit to Toronto to receive Honorary Degree.
L to R: Jon Cohen, John Gardner, Rose Wolfe, Barry Brown, Michael Marrus, IB, Robert Prichard, Bob Rae, Claude Galipeau, Paul Gooch.
Published in Affirming, plate 34.

![[04019] IB and AB in Toronto](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04019%5D%20100%20IB%20with%20Aline%20Berlin.jpg)
[04019] IB and AB in Toronto
IB with AB in Toronto, during IB's receipt of Honorary Degree, 1994.

![[04020] Berlin in Toronto](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04020%5D%20100%20IB%20with%20Chancellor%20of%20Toronto%20Uni%20and%20other%20members%20of%20the%20university.jpg)
[04020] Berlin in Toronto
Berlin with others in group at Toronto
Jon Cohen, John Gardner, Rose Wolfe, Barry Brown, Michael Marrus, Robert Prichard, Bob Rae, Claude Galipeau, Paul Gooch, IB

![[04021] Berlin in group in Toronto](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04021%5D%20100%20hon%20degree%20ceremony%20IB%20standing%20with%20other%20members%20of%20Toronto%20Uni.jpg)
[04021] Berlin in group in Toronto
Berlin with others in group at Toronto, for degree ceremony.
Berlin, Jon Cohen, John Gardner, Rose Wolfe, Barry Brown, Michael Marrus, Robert Prichard, Bob Rae, Claude Galipeau, Paul Gooch

![[04022] Berlin in Toronto](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04022%5D%20100%20IB%20with%20Chancellor%20sitting%20and%20other%20members%20of%20Toronto%20Uni%20standing.jpg)
[04022] Berlin in Toronto
Berlin in Toronto for hon. degree ceremony.
Jon Cohen, John Gardner, Rose Wolfe, Barry Brown, Michael Marrus, Robert Prichard, Bob Rae, Claude Galipeau, Paul Gooch, IB

![[04023] Berlin and Aline](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04023%5D%20100%20IB%20in%20conversation%20with%20Aline%20Berlin%201991.jpg)
[04023] Berlin and Aline
Berlin with Aline in Oxford, possibly for the Bodleian Library campaign, July 1988.

![[04024] Berlin with Seamus Heaney](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04024%5D%20100%20IB%20in%20conversation%20with%20Seamus%20Heaney%201991.jpg)
[04024] Berlin with Seamus Heaney
Berlin talking with Seamus Heaney, Oxford, July 1988.

![[04025] Berlin in conversation](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04025%5D%20100%20IB%20in%20conversation%20with%20someone%201980s%20or%2090s.jpg)
[04025] Berlin in conversation
Berlin talking to another; probably in London. Unknown date.

![[04026] Berlin in conversation](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04026%5D%20100%20IB%20in%20discussion%201980s.jpg)
[04026] Berlin in conversation
Berlin talking to two others, Everyman Library relaunch, 1992.

![[04027] Berlin in conversation](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04027%5D%20100%20IB%20in%20discussion%201980s%20-%202.jpg)
[04027] Berlin in conversation
Berlin talking to Bernard Levin at the relaunch of the Everyman Library, 1992.

![[04028] Berlin talking to Anthony Smith](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04028%5D%20100%20IB%20in%20discussion%201980s%20-%203.jpg)
[04028] Berlin talking to Anthony Smith
IB talking to Anthony Smith (President of Magdalen College, Oxford, 1988-2005) at the relaunch of the Everyman Library, London, 1992.

![[04029] IB talking to Bernard Levin](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04029%5D%20100%20IB%20in%20discussion%20with%20someone%201980s%20-%204.jpg)
[04029] IB talking to Bernard Levin
Berlin talking to Bernard Levin, at the relaunch of the Everyman Library, London, 1992.

![[04030] Berlin conversing with Bernard Levin](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04030%5D%20100%20IB%20in%20discussion%20with%20someone%201980s%20-%205.jpg)
[04030] Berlin conversing with Bernard Levin
Berlin talking to Bernard Levin at the relaunch of the Everyman Library, London, 1992.

![[04031] Berlin in conversation with Anthony Burgess (r) and Melvyn Bragg (l)](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04031%5D%20100%20IB%20in%20discussion%20with%20someone%201980s%20-%206.jpg)
[04031] Berlin in conversation with Anthony Burgess (r) and Melvyn Bragg (l)
Berlin in conversation with Anthony Burgess (r) and Melvyn Bragg (l) at the relaunch of the Everyman Library, London 1992.

![[04032] Berlin with Sidney Morgenbesser](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04032%5D%20100%20IB%20in%20discussion%20with%20Sidney%20Morgenbesser%20New%20York%201982.jpg)
[04032] Berlin with Sidney Morgenbesser
Berlin talking to Sidney Morgenbesser, Grace Dudley's apartment, New York, c. 1980-1. Published in Affirming, plate 13.

![[04033] Berlin with Schlesinger and Silvers](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04033%5D%20100%20IB%20with%20Arthur%20Schlesinger%20and%20Robert%20Silvers%20New%20York%201982.jpg)
[04033] Berlin with Schlesinger and Silvers
Berlin with Schlesinger and Silvers, Marietta Tree's apartment, New York, 1982. Published in Affirming, plate 18.
Published in Book of Isaiah, plate 40.

![[04034] Berlin with Magee](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04034%5D%20100%20IB%20with%20Bryan%20Magee%201970s.jpg)
[04034] Berlin with Magee
Berlin on the sofa with Bryan Magee for Magee's 'Men of Ideas' TV series. Published in Affirming, plate 5.

![[04035] Berlin with the Prince of Wales](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04035%5D%20100%20IB%20with%20Prince%20of%20Wales%201980s.jpg)
[04035] Berlin with the Prince of Wales
Berlin talking to the Prince of Wales, at the relaunch of the Everyman Library, London, 1992. David Campbell is with them.

![[04036] Berlin with Prince of Wales](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04036%5D%20100%20IB%20with%20Prince%20of%20Wales%201980s%20-%202.jpg)
[04036] Berlin with Prince of Wales
Berlin in conversation with the Prince of Wales at the relaunch of the Everyman Library. David Campbell stands between them, and Trevor Nunn and Tom Stoppard look on.

![[04037] Painting of a group, including Isaiah Berlin, inspecting a model of the Supreme Court building, Jerusalem](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B04037%5D%20100%20Painting%20Supreme%20Court%20Jerusalem%20by%20Paul%20Benny.jpg)
[04037] Painting of a group, including Isaiah Berlin, inspecting a model of the Supreme Court building, Jerusalem
Painting of a group, which includes Isaiah Berlin, and many prominent Israelis, looking at a model of the Supreme Court building, Jerusalem: pictured are Yitzhak Rabin (sitting, second left), Shimon Peres (standing, back left), Jacob (Lord) Rothschild (second right), Teddy Kollek (far right)

![[10097] Berlin talking to another](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10097%5D%20album%205%20photo%2025.jpg)
[10097] Berlin talking to another
Berlin in conversation, unknown date/location.

![[10099] Berlin, Aline and others](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10099%5D%20album%205%20photo%2027.jpg)
[10099] Berlin, Aline and others
Berlin, Aline and others, probably at the door to Headington House, Oxford, unknown date.

![[10100] Berlin with others at dinner](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10100%5D%20album%205%20photo%2028.jpg)
[10100] Berlin with others at dinner
Berlin with others at dinner, unknown date/location.

![[10101] Berlin and Bacall](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10101%5D%20album%205%20photo%2029.jpg)
[10101] Berlin and Bacall
Berlin with Lauren Bacall, unknown date/location.

![[10102] Berlin, Sakharov, Aline and others](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10102%5D%20album%205%20photo%2030.jpg)
[10102] Berlin, Sakharov, Aline and others
Berlin with Andrey Sakharov, Aline Berlin and others, Headington House, Oxford, June 1989. Sakharov received his hon. DSc from Oxford.

![[10103] Berlin with Sakharov](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10103%5D%20album%205%20photo%2031.jpg)
[10103] Berlin with Sakharov
Berlin with Andrey Sakharov, Headington House, Oxford, June 1989. Sakharov received his hon. DSc from Oxford. Published in Affirming, plate 29.

![[10104] Berlin with Sakharov](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10104%5D%20album%205%20photo%2032.jpg)
[10104] Berlin with Sakharov
Berlin with Andrey Sakharov, Headington House, Oxford, June 1989. Sakharov received his hon. DSc from Oxford. Published in Affirming, plate 30.

![[10105] Berlin and Princess Margaret](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10105%5D%20album%205%20photo%2033.jpg)
[10105] Berlin and Princess Margaret
Berlin with Tony Quinton and Princess Margaret, summer 1989. Published in Affirming, plate 28.

![[10106] Spender and Graham](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10106%5D%20album%205%20photo%2034.jpg)
[10106] Spender and Graham
Stephen Spender and Kay Graham at Berlin's 80th birthday party, held by Drue Heinz, summer 1989.

![[10107] Berlin and another in entrance to building](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10107%5D%20album%205%20photo%2035.jpg)
[10107] Berlin and another in entrance to building
Berlin and a woman in a doorway, possibly in London. Unknown date.
[10108] Berlin with Aline and others
Berlin and Aline with others, unknown date/location.

![[10109] Berlin at a table](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10109%5D%20album%205%20photo%2037.jpg)
[10109] Berlin at a table
Berlin writing in a book, unknown date/location.

![[11012] Aline, PW and Alfred Brendel in Portofino](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B11012%5D%20Aline%2C%20PW%20and%20Alfred%20Brendel%20in%20Portofino.jpg)
[11012] Aline, PW and Alfred Brendel in Portofino
Aline, Alfred Brendel, and Patricia Williams in Portofino.

![[11013] Berlin and Bernard Williams](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B11013%5D%20Berlin%20and%20Bernard%20Williams%2C%20Portofino.jpg)
[11013] Berlin and Bernard Williams
Berlin and Bernard Williams in Portofino.

![[06013] Portrait of Lady Patricia de Bendern](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06013%5D%20Portrait%20of%20Lady%20Patricia%20de%20Bendern.jpg)
[06013] Portrait of Lady Patricia de Bendern
Portrait of Lady Patricia de Bendern, published in Flourishing, unknown date/location

![[06014] Berlin and Hampshire](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06014%5D%20IB%20and%20Stuart%20Hamphire%20inside%2C%20standing%20opposite%20one%20another.jpg)
[06014] Berlin and Hampshire
Berlin and Hampshire, probably 1940s. Published in Book of Isaiah; detail published in Enlightening.

![[06015] Portrait of Anna Kallin](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06015%5D%20Portrait%20of%20Anna%20Kallin.jpg)
[06015] Portrait of Anna Kallin
Portrait of Anna Kallin, published in Enlightening. Unknown date/location.

![[06016] Chaim Weizmann](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06016%5D%20Chaim%20Weizmann%2C%20asleep.jpg)
[06016] Chaim Weizmann
Unknown date/location, published in Enlightening.

![[06017] Morton White](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06017%5D%20Morton%20White%2C%20portrait%20%5B1%5D.jpg)
[06017] Morton White
Portrait of Morton White, undated.

![[06018] Morton White](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06018%5D%20Morton%20White%2C%20portrait%20%5B2%5D.jpg)
[06018] Morton White
Portrait of Morton White; unknown date/location.

![[06019] Christopher Cox](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06019%5D%20Christopher%20Cox%2C%20sat%20at%20table%20on%20decking.jpg)
[06019] Christopher Cox
Christopher Cox at les Chalet des Mélèzes, French Alps.

![[06020] Painting of Rachel Walker](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06020%5D%20Portrait%20painting%20of%20Rachel%20Walker.jpg)
[06020] Painting of Rachel Walker
Painted portrait of Rachel Walker (painting by Winifred Macnabb), photo by Nigel Francis, owned by Edward Mortimer. Published in Flourishing.

![[06021] Jennifer Hart](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06021%5D%20Jennifer%20Hart%20portrait.jpg)
[06021] Jennifer Hart
Portrait of Jennifer Hart; unknown date/location. Published in Flourishing.

![[06022] Stephen Spender](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06022%5D%20Stephen%20Spender%20postcard%20portrait.jpg)
[06022] Stephen Spender
Portrait of Stephen Spender, 1936.

![[06023] Stephen Spender](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06023%5D%20Stephen%20Spender%2C%20sat%20on%20stone%20slabs.jpg)
[06023] Stephen Spender
Stephen Spender in a Mediterrenean ancient theatre, unknown date and location. Published in Flourishing.

![[06024] Maire Lynd](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06024%5D%20Maire%20Lynd%20portrait.jpg)
[06024] Maire Lynd
Undated portrait of Maire Lynd; published in Flourishing.

![[06065] June and Jeremy Hutchinson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06065%5D%20Jeremy%20Hutchinson%20and%20wife.jpg)
[06065] June and Jeremy Hutchinson
Undated photo of June and Jeremy Hutchinson.

![[06066] Painted portrait](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06066%5D%20Drawing%20of%20man%20at%20desk.jpg)
[06066] Painted portrait
Portrait of man; unknown artist.

![[06067] Jasper Ridley](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06067%5D%20Jasper%20Ridley.jpg)
[06067] Jasper Ridley
Undated photo of Jasper Ridley; published in Flourishing.

![[06068] Jasper Ridley](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06068%5D%20Jasper%20Ridley%20by%20a%20stone%20wall.jpg)
[06068] Jasper Ridley
Jasper Ridley in summer 1939.

![[06069] Jasper Ridley](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B06069%5D%20Jasper%20Ridley%20sitting%20by%20stream.jpg)
[06069] Jasper Ridley
Jasper Ridley in Cumberland, summer 1939.

![[07004] IB and others at chalet](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B07004%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20outside%20a%20chalet.jpg)
[07004] IB and others at chalet
Berlin outside the Chalets des Mélèzes, French Alps with others, September 1933. Possibly by Christopher Cox, also possibly by Noel Worswick.Scan of paper copy, not original.

![[07043] IB at school](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B07043%5D%20IB%20school%20picture.jpg)
[07043] IB at school
Berlin at Arundel House School, Surbiton, summer 1921.

![[09016] Berlin with two women](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B09016%5D%20IB%20in%20white%20suit%2C%20with%20two%20others.jpg)
[09016] Berlin with two women
Berlin, with two women, unknown date/location.

![[09017] Berlin with others in swimsuits](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B09017%5D%20IB%20in%20white%20suit%2C%20others%20in%20bathing%20suit.jpg)
[09017] Berlin with others in swimsuits
Berlin with others, unknown date/location.

![[09018] Berlin talking to a woman in a garden](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B09018%5D%20IB%20outside%20with%20woman%2C%20in%20garden.jpg)
[09018] Berlin talking to a woman in a garden
Berlin talking to a woman in a garden, unknown/date location.

![[09019] Berlin with others](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B09019%5D%20IB%20sat%20on%20sofa%2C%20with%20three%20others.jpg)
[09019] Berlin with others
Berlin with three others, unknown date/location.

![[09021] Berlin in garden](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B09021%5D%20IB%20and%20woman%20in%20garden.jpg)
[09021] Berlin in garden
Berlin with an unidentified woman in garden, unknown date and location.

![[09129] Berlin in academic garb](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B09129%5D%20IB%20at%20Oxford%20ceremony%20%5Bposs%20Enceania%5D.jpg)
[09129] Berlin in academic garb
Berlin with Dorothy Hodgkin, Iris Murdoch, Robert McNamara and Alwyn Williams, Oxford, 20 October 1987.

![[09138] Berlin and Sidney Morgenbesser](/sites/default/files/2018-02/%5B09138%5D%20600%20IB%20in%20discussion%20with%20Sidney%20Morgenbesser%20New%20York%201982.jpg)
[09138] Berlin and Sidney Morgenbesser
Berlin and Morgenbesser at Grace Dudley's house, New York, in either 1980 or 1981. Photo by Dominique Nabokov. Published in Affirming.

![[09140] Drawing of All Souls](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B09140%5D%20Drawing%20of%20All%20Souls_0.jpg)
[09140] Drawing of All Souls
Drawing from 1834, either by F Mackenzie or J Le Keux.

![[09141] Drawing of Corpus Christi College](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B09141%5D%20Drawing%20of%20Corpus%20Christi.jpg)
[09141] Drawing of Corpus Christi College
Drawing from 1834?, either by F Mackenzie or J Le Keux.

![[10001] Ann Fleming and Maurice Bowra](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10001%5D%20Ann%20Flemming%20and%20Maurice%20Bowra%20Paraggi%201969.jpg)
[10001] Ann Fleming and Maurice Bowra
Ann Fleming and Maurice Bowra in Paraggi, 1969; published in Building, plate 22.

![[10002] Berlin and Solti](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10002%5D%20George%20Solti%20Degree%20Day%20June%201972.jpg)
[10002] Berlin and Solti
George Solti and Berlin at Headington House, on the day Solti received an Honorary Degree, June 1972.

![[10004] Berlin and the Trillings](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10004%5D%20Headington%20House%20Feb%201973%201.jpg)
[10004] Berlin and the Trillings
Berlin with Lionel Trilling and Diana Trilling, Headington House, February 1973.

![[10005] Nabokov and Auden](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10005%5D%20Headington%20House%20Feb%201973%202.jpg)
[10005] Nabokov and Auden
Nicholas Nabokov and Wystan Hugh Auden at Headington House, February 1973; published in Building.

![[10006] Nabokov and Trilling](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10006%5D%20Headington%20House%20Feb%201973%203.jpg)
[10006] Nabokov and Trilling
Nicolas Nabokov and Lionel Trilling at Headington House, February 1973.

![[10007] Hoffmansthals at Headington House](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10007%5D%20Hoffsmannsthals%20Headington%20House%20March%201972.jpg)
[10007] Hoffmansthals at Headington House
Elizabeth von Hoffmansthal and Raimund von Haffmansthal with the Berlins at Headington House, March 1972.

![[10008] Berlin at Brandeis](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10008%5D%20Hon%20Degree%20Brandeis%201967%201.jpg)
[10008] Berlin at Brandeis
Isaiah Berlin receiving Honorary Doctorate at Brandeis University, 11 June 1967.

![[10009] Honorary degree at Brandeis](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10009%5D%20Hon%20Degree%20Brandeis%201967%202.jpg)
[10009] Honorary degree at Brandeis
Isaiah Berlin with other honorands/academics on the day of his receiving an Honorary Doctorate at Brandeis University, 11 June 1967. Abram Sacher sits front, in red, with New York Senator Averell Harriman at front left.

![[10010] Isaiah Berlin with André Malraux and François Bédarida](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10010%5D%20Hon%20Degree%20Malraux%20Nov%201967.jpg)
[10010] Isaiah Berlin with André Malraux and François Bédarida
Isaiah Berlin with André Malraux (left) and François Bédarida (right), director of the Maison Française, for Malraux’s honorary DCL, All Souls College, Oxford, Saturday 18 November 1967; Aline Berlin is behind, in the pale coat; published in the plates section [#11] of Building: Letters 1960–1975

![[10011] Isaiah Berlin receiving an Honorary Doctorate from Lord Franks at the University of East Anglia](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10011%5D%20Hon%20Degree%20Norwich%201967.jpg)
[10011] Isaiah Berlin receiving an Honorary Doctorate from Lord Franks at the University of East Anglia
Isaiah Berlin receiving an Honorary Doctorate at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, 1967; Lord Franks, Chancellor of the university, doffs his cap

![[10012] Berlin, Aline, and Robert Maxwell](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10012%5D%20IB%20AB%20and%20unknown%20with%20Robert%20Maxwell%20Headington%20Hill%20Hall%20July%201969.jpg)
[10012] Berlin, Aline, and Robert Maxwell
Berlin, Aline, and Robert Maxwell, with another, at Headington Hill Hall, July 1969.

![[10013] IB and Hart in Paraggi](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10013%5D%20IB%20and%20Herbert%20Hart%20Paraggi%20Summer%201969.jpg)
[10013] IB and Hart in Paraggi
Berlin and Herbert Hart at Paraggi, summer 1969.

![[10015] Berlin and Hampshire](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10015%5D%20IB%20and%20Stuart%20Hampshire%20Summer%201969.jpg)
[10015] Berlin and Hampshire
Stuart Hampshire and Berlin, summer 1969. Possibly in Italy.

![[10016] Berlin in the Negev](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10016%5D%20IB%20at%20airfield%20near%20Sde%20Boker%201967-68%201.jpg)
[10016] Berlin in the Negev
Berlin at an airfield near Sde Boker kibbutz, Negev. 1967 or 1968.

![[10018] Berlin in Paraggi](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10018%5D%20IB%20in%20Paraggi%20Summer%201969.jpg)
[10018] Berlin in Paraggi
IB at Paraggi, summer 1969.

![[10020] Berlin with Robert Maxwell](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10020%5D%20IB%20with%20Robert%20Maxwell%20Headington%20Hill%20Hall%20July%201969.jpg)
[10020] Berlin with Robert Maxwell
Berlin with Robert Maxwell, Headington Hill Hall, July 1969

![[10021] Berlin watching Casals and Stern](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10021%5D%20Israel%20Festival%20Casals%20early%201970s.jpg)
[10021] Berlin watching Casals and Stern
Pablo Casals and Isaac Stern playing at Israel Festival, early 1970s. IB watches on from just above Casal's bow, with Teddy Kollek on the left of the image, Arnold Goodman three to the right from Kollek. Published in Building, plate 2.

![[10023] Berlin with Hampshire, Paraggi](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10023%5D%20Italy%20%28Paraggi%29%201972%202.jpg)
[10023] Berlin with Hampshire, Paraggi
Berlin at Paraggi, with Stuart Hampshire, 1972.

![[10024] Berlin at Mishkenot Sha'ananim](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10024%5D%20Jerusalem%20Mishkenot%20Sha%27ananim%20early%201970%27s%20%28Kollek%20Goodman%20Ruth%20Cheshin%20IB%29.jpg)
[10024] Berlin at Mishkenot Sha'ananim
Berlin with Teddy Kollek (standing to left of IB), Ruth Cheshin (sitting to left of IB), at Mishkenot Sha'ananim, early 1970s

![[10027] Aline christening a boat, Torpids, March 1972](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10027%5D%20Torpids%20March%201972%20%28Christening%20boat%29.jpg)
[10027] Aline christening a boat, Torpids, March 1972
Aline Berlin christening a Wolfson? boat at Torpids, March 1972.

![[10028] Aline at Torpids, March 1972](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10028%5D%20Torpids%20March%201972%201.jpg)
[10028] Aline at Torpids, March 1972
Aline Berlin talking to others at Torpids, March 1972. Published in Building, plate 27.

![[10029] IB at Torpids, Marc 1972](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10029%5D%20Torpids%20March%201972%202.jpg)
[10029] IB at Torpids, Marc 1972
Isaiah Berlin with umbrella and pipe at Torpids, March 1972.

![[10030] Berlin and Aline at Torpids, March 1972](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10030%5D%20Torpids%20March%201972%203.jpg)
[10030] Berlin and Aline at Torpids, March 1972
Berlin and Aline at Torpids, March 1972.

![[10038] Berlin at All Souls](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10038%5D%20album%201%20photo%204.jpg)
[10038] Berlin at All Souls
Berlin and another at All Souls, unknown date.

![[10039] Anna Kallin and Nicolas Nabokov](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10039%5D%20album%202%20photo%201.jpg)
[10039] Anna Kallin and Nicolas Nabokov
Anna Kallin and Nicolas Nabokov, November 1977, unknown location. Published in Affirming, plate 9.

![[10097] Berlin talking to another](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10097%5D%20album%205%20photo%2025.jpg)
[10097] Berlin talking to another
Berlin in conversation, unknown date/location.

![[10099] Berlin, Aline and others](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10099%5D%20album%205%20photo%2027.jpg)
[10099] Berlin, Aline and others
Berlin, Aline and others, probably at the door to Headington House, Oxford, unknown date.

![[10100] Berlin with others at dinner](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10100%5D%20album%205%20photo%2028.jpg)
[10100] Berlin with others at dinner
Berlin with others at dinner, unknown date/location.

![[10101] Berlin and Bacall](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10101%5D%20album%205%20photo%2029.jpg)
[10101] Berlin and Bacall
Berlin with Lauren Bacall, unknown date/location.

![[10102] Berlin, Sakharov, Aline and others](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10102%5D%20album%205%20photo%2030.jpg)
[10102] Berlin, Sakharov, Aline and others
Berlin with Andrey Sakharov, Aline Berlin and others, Headington House, Oxford, June 1989. Sakharov received his hon. DSc from Oxford.

![[10103] Berlin with Sakharov](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10103%5D%20album%205%20photo%2031.jpg)
[10103] Berlin with Sakharov
Berlin with Andrey Sakharov, Headington House, Oxford, June 1989. Sakharov received his hon. DSc from Oxford. Published in Affirming, plate 29.

![[10104] Berlin with Sakharov](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10104%5D%20album%205%20photo%2032.jpg)
[10104] Berlin with Sakharov
Berlin with Andrey Sakharov, Headington House, Oxford, June 1989. Sakharov received his hon. DSc from Oxford. Published in Affirming, plate 30.

![[10105] Berlin and Princess Margaret](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10105%5D%20album%205%20photo%2033.jpg)
[10105] Berlin and Princess Margaret
Berlin with Tony Quinton and Princess Margaret, summer 1989. Published in Affirming, plate 28.

![[10106] Spender and Graham](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10106%5D%20album%205%20photo%2034.jpg)
[10106] Spender and Graham
Stephen Spender and Kay Graham at Berlin's 80th birthday party, held by Drue Heinz, summer 1989.

![[10107] Berlin and another in entrance to building](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10107%5D%20album%205%20photo%2035.jpg)
[10107] Berlin and another in entrance to building
Berlin and a woman in a doorway, possibly in London. Unknown date.
[10108] Berlin with Aline and others
Berlin and Aline with others, unknown date/location.

![[10109] Berlin at a table](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B10109%5D%20album%205%20photo%2037.jpg)
[10109] Berlin at a table
Berlin writing in a book, unknown date/location.

![[11012] Aline, PW and Alfred Brendel in Portofino](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B11012%5D%20Aline%2C%20PW%20and%20Alfred%20Brendel%20in%20Portofino.jpg)
[11012] Aline, PW and Alfred Brendel in Portofino
Aline, Alfred Brendel, and Patricia Williams in Portofino.

![[11013] Berlin and Bernard Williams](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B11013%5D%20Berlin%20and%20Bernard%20Williams%2C%20Portofino.jpg)
[11013] Berlin and Bernard Williams
Berlin and Bernard Williams in Portofino.

![[12013] Berlin giving a lecture](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B12013%5D%20IB%201973%20lecture.jpg)
[12020] Berlin giving a lecture
Berlin giving the first Yaacov Herzog memorial lecture at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1973.

![[12014] Audience watching Berlin speak](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B12014%5D%20IB.jpg)
[12021] Audience watching Berlin speak
Berlin giving the first Yaacov Herzog memorial lecture at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1973. Abe Harman sits alongside. Aline Berlin, Zina Hartman, Dorothy de Rothschild, Pnina Herzog, Zalman Shazar, Golda Meir watch Berlin speak.

![[12015] Berlin speaking](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B12015%5D%20IB%202.jpg)
[12022] Berlin speaking
Berlin giving the first Yaacov Herzog memorial lecture at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1973. Abe Harman sits next to him.

![[09130] IB pictured outside, wearing a hat, in conversation](/sites/default/files/2018-05/%5B09130%5D%20IB%20in%20hat.jpg)
[09130] IB pictured outside, wearing a hat, in conversation
IB outside, wearing a hat, and in conversation; unknown date/location, but probably during his time as President of Wolfson College, Oxford, 1966-75; Aline Berlin is just visible to the left of the shot; photo possibly taken by Dominique Nabokov.