Berlin and Wolfson College

![[03009] IB and Macmillan at Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B03009%5D%20IB%20Isaac%20Wolfson%20and%20Macmillan%2C%2012%20November%201974.jpg)
[03009] IB and Macmillan at Wolfson
Berlin, Isaac Wolfson and Harold Macmillan after Berlin's speech at the opening of the new College buildings. Copy held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[03023] IB topping out Wolfson building](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B03023%5D%20IB%20%27topping%20out%27%20the%20Wolfson%20buildings.jpg)
[03023] IB topping out Wolfson building
Berlin 'topping out' Wolfson College buildings. Used as the cover of Building.

![[09142] Berlin and others at Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B09142%5D%20IB%20walking%20with%20Michael%20Brock%20and%20others.jpg)
[09142] Berlin and others at Wolfson
Michael Brock, Cecilia Dick, and Berlin and others walking near Wolfson, between 1965 and 1975.

![[10031] Berlin with Queen and Isaac Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10031%5D%20Wolfson%20College%20Foundation%20Stone%20Ceremony%20May%201968%201.jpg)
[10031] Berlin with Queen and Isaac Wolfson
Berlin introducing Isaac Wolfson to the Queen, with Aline present, Wolfson College Foundation Stone Ceremony, May 1968

![[10032] Queen at Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10032%5D%20Wolfson%20College%20Foundation%20Stone%20Ceremony%20May%201968%202.jpg)
[10032] Queen at Wolfson
Berlin watches on as Queen Elizabeth II enacts a ceremonial duty at the Foundation Stone Ceremony, Wolfson College, May 1968.

![[10033] Queen writing](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10033%5D%20Wolfson%20College%20Foundation%20Stone%20Ceremony%20May%201968%203.jpg)
[10033] Queen writing
Berlin watches on as Queen Elizabeth II writes in a book at the Foundation Stone Ceremony, Wolfson College, May 1968.

![[10034] Isaiah Berlin presenting H.M. the Queen to Edith Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B10034%5D%20Wolfson%20College%20Foundation%20Stone%20Ceremony%20May%201968%204.jpg)
[10034] Isaiah Berlin presenting H.M. the Queen to Edith Wolfson
Isaiah Berlin presenting H.M. the Queen to Edith Wolfson at the ceremony for the laying of the foundation stone, Wolfson College, Oxford, 2 May 1968; Isaac Wolfson, Aline Berlin and IB look on; published in the plates section [#18] of Building: Letters 1960–1975

![[13001] Berlin and others at 1981 Charter Ceremony](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13001%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20Charter%20Ceremony.jpg)
[13001] Berlin and others at 1981 Charter Ceremony
Isaiah Berlin with Felicity Fisher, Joan Mott and an unknown man, Wolfson College Charter Ceremony. Photo held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13002] Beerlin, AB and Janet Vaughan](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13002%5D%20Aline%20and%20IB%20at%20Charter%20Ceremony.jpg)
[13002] Beerlin, AB and Janet Vaughan
Isaiah Berlin with Aline Berlin and Dame Janet Vaughan, Wolfson Charter Ceremony, 1981. Photo held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13003] Berlin, Aline, Janet Vaughan](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13003%5D%20Aline%20and%20IB%20at%20Charter%20Ceremony.jpg)
[13003] Berlin, Aline, Janet Vaughan
Isaiah Berlin with Aline Berlin and Dame Janet Vaughan, Wolfson Charter Ceremony, 1981. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13004] Berlin speaking](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13004%5D%20IB%20speaking%20at%20opening%20of%20Wolfson%20College%20buildings.jpg)
[13004] Berlin speaking
Isaiah Berlin, founding President, speaking at the opening of the new Wolfson College buildings, 12 November 1974; Harold Macmillan, Chancellor of the University of Oxford, is on Berlin's left; John Habbakuk, Vice Chancellor, sits to Berlin's right; image held by the Archives of Wolfson College, Oxford

![[13007] Berlin at Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13007%5D%20IB%2C%20Harold%20Macmillan%2C%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20at%20opening%20of%20Wolfson%20College%20buildings.jpg)
[13007] Berlin at Wolfson
Berlin, Harold Macmillan, Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13008] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13008%5D%20IB%2C%20Harold%20Macmillan%2C%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20at%20opening%20of%20Wolfson%20College%20buildings.jpg)
[13008] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson
Berlin, Harold Macmillan, Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13009] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13009%5D%20IB%2C%20Harold%20Macmillan%2C%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20at%20opening%20of%20Wolfson%20College%20buildings.jpg)
[13009] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson
Berlin, Harold Macmillan, Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Unknown speaker. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13010] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13010%5D%20IB%2C%20Harold%20Macmillan%2C%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20at%20opening%20of%20Wolfson%20College%20buildings.jpg)
[13010] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson
Berlin, Harold Macmillan, Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Unknown speaker. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13011] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13011%5D%20IB%2C%20Harold%20Macmillan%2C%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20at%20opening%20of%20Wolfson%20College%20buildings.jpg)
[13011] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson
Berlin, Harold Macmillan, Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Unknown speaker. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13012] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13012%5D%20IB%2C%20Harold%20Macmillan%2C%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20at%20opening%20of%20Wolfson%20College%20buildings.jpg)
[13012] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson
Berlin, Harold Macmillan, Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Unknown speaker. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13013] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13013%5D%20IB%2C%20Harold%20Macmillan%2C%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20at%20opening%20of%20Wolfson%20College%20buildings.jpg)
[13013] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson
Berlin, Harold Macmillan, Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Unknown speaker. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13014] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13014%5D%20IB%2C%20Harold%20Macmillan%2C%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20at%20opening%20of%20Wolfson%20College%20buildings.jpg)
[13014] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson
Berlin, Harold Macmillan, Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Unknown speaker. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13015] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13015%5D%20IB%2C%20Harold%20Macmillan%2C%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20at%20opening%20of%20Wolfson%20College%20buildings.jpg)
[13015] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson
Berlin, Harold Macmillan, Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Unknown speaker. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13016] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13016%5D%20IB%2C%20Harold%20Macmillan%2C%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20at%20opening%20of%20Wolfson%20College%20buildings.jpg)
[13016] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson
Berlin, Harold Macmillan, Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Unknown speaker. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13017] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13017%5D%20IB%2C%20Harold%20Macmillan%2C%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20at%20opening%20of%20Wolfson%20College%20buildings.jpg)
[13017] Berlin, Macmillan, Wolfson
Berlin, Harold Macmillan, Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Unknown speaker. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13018] Berlin, Wolfson, Macmillan](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13018%5D%20IB%20and%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20hear%20Macmillan%20speak%20at%20the%20WC%20Buildings%20opening%2C%201974.jpg)
[13018] Berlin, Wolfson, Macmillan
Berlin and Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Harold Macmillan speaks. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13020] Berlin, Wolfson, Macmillan](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13020%5D%20IB%20and%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20hear%20Macmillan%20speak%20at%20the%20WC%20Buildings%20opening%2C%201974.jpg)
[13020] Berlin, Wolfson, Macmillan
Berlin and Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Harold Macmillan speaks.

![[13021] Berlin, Wolfson, Macmillan](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13021%5D%20IB%20and%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20hear%20Macmillan%20speak%20at%20the%20WC%20Buildings%20opening%2C%201974.jpg)
[13021] Berlin, Wolfson, Macmillan
Berlin and Leonard Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Harold Macmillan speaks. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13022] Berlin, Wolfson, Macmillan](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13022%5D%20IB%20and%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20hear%20Macmillan%20speak%20at%20the%20WC%20Buildings%20opening%2C%201974.jpg)
[13022] Berlin, Wolfson, Macmillan
Berlin and Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Harold Macmillan speaks. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13024] Berlin, Wolfson, Macmillan](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13024%5D%20IB%20and%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20hear%20Macmillan%20speak%20at%20the%20WC%20Buildings%20opening%2C%201974.jpg)
[13024] Berlin, Wolfson, Macmillan
Berlin and Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Harold Macmillan speaks. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13025] Berlin and Wolfson, Macmillan](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13025%5D%20IB%20and%20Leonard%20Wolfson%20hear%20Macmillan%20speak%20at%20the%20WC%20Buildings%20opening%2C%201974.jpg)
[13025] Berlin and Wolfson, Macmillan
Berlin and Isaac Wolfson at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Harold Macmillan speaks. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13026] Berlin and Macmillan](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13026%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20hear%20Harold%20Macmillan%20speak%20at%20opening%20of%20WC%20Buildings%2C%201974.jpg)
[13026] Berlin and Macmillan
Berlin and many others at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Harold Macmillan speaks. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13027] IB at the opening of Wolfson College](/sites/default/files/2018-02/%5B13027%5D%20IB%20talks%20to%20Harold%20Macmillan%2C%20Isaac%20Wolfson%20in%20the%20background.jpg)
[13027] IB at the opening of Wolfson College
Berlin with Isaac Wolfson and Harold Macmillan after IB's speech at the opening of the new Wolfson College buildings, 12 November 1974. Published in Building, plate 40. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13028] Berlin and others hear Macmillan](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13028%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20hear%20Harold%20Macmillan%20speak%20at%20opening%20of%20WC%20Buildings%2C%201974.jpg)
[13028] Berlin and others hear Macmillan
Berlin and others hear Harold Macmillan speak at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13029] Berlin and others at topping out ceremony](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13029%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20the%20Wolfson%20topping%20out%20ceremony.jpg)
[13029] Berlin and others at topping out ceremony
Berlin and others at the Wolfson 'topping out' ceremony.

![[13030] Berlin at Wolfson topping out](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13030%5D%20IB%20at%20the%20Wolfson%20topping%20out%20ceremony.jpg)
[13030] Berlin at Wolfson topping out
Berlin at Wolfson topping out ceremony. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13031] Berlin at topping out](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13031%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20the%20Wolfson%20topping%20out%20ceremony.jpg)
[13031] Berlin at topping out
Berlin, watched by Philip Powell and others, at the Wolfson topping out ceremony. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13032] Berlin at topping out ceremony](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13032%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20the%20Wolfson%20topping%20out%20ceremony.jpg)
[13032] Berlin at topping out ceremony
Berlin, watched by Philip Powell and others, at the Wolfson topping out ceremony. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13033] Berlin talking to Philip Powell](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13033%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20the%20Wolfson%20topping%20out%20ceremony.jpg)
[13033] Berlin talking to Philip Powell
Berlin talking to Philip Powell at Wolfson College's topping out ceremony. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13034] Berlin at topping out ceremony](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13034%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20the%20Wolfson%20topping%20out%20ceremony.jpg)
[13034] Berlin at topping out ceremony
Berlin with Philip Powell and John Bensley at the Wolfson topping out ceremony. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13035] Berlin at Wolfson topping out ceremony](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13035%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20the%20Wolfson%20topping%20out%20ceremony.jpg)
[13035] Berlin at Wolfson topping out ceremony
Berlin with Philip Powell and John Bensley at the Wolfson topping out ceremony. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13026] Berlin and Macmillan](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13026%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20hear%20Harold%20Macmillan%20speak%20at%20opening%20of%20WC%20Buildings%2C%201974.jpg)
[13026] Berlin and Macmillan
Berlin and many others at opening of Wolfson College buildings. Harold Macmillan speaks. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13037] Berlin at Wolfson topping out ceremony](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13037%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20the%20Wolfson%20topping%20out%20ceremony.jpg)
[13037] Berlin at Wolfson topping out ceremony
Berlin with Powell and others at Wolfson topping out ceremony. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13038] Berlin at Wolfson topping out ceremony](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13038%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20the%20Wolfson%20topping%20out%20ceremony.jpg)
[13038] Berlin at Wolfson topping out ceremony
Berlin with Powell, John Bensley and others at Wolfson topping out ceremony. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13039] Berlin and others at topping out ceremony](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13039%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20the%20Wolfson%20topping%20out%20ceremony.jpg)
[13039] Berlin and others at topping out ceremony
Berlin with Philip Powell and John Bensley at the Wolfson topping out ceremony. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13040] Berlin and others at topping out ceremony](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13040%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20the%20Wolfson%20topping%20out%20ceremony.jpg)
[13040] Berlin and others at topping out ceremony
Berlin with Powell and others at Wolfson topping out ceremony. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13041] Berlin at Wolfson topping out ceremony](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13041%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20the%20Wolfson%20topping%20out%20ceremony.jpg)
[13041] Berlin at Wolfson topping out ceremony
Berlin with Powell and others at Wolfson topping out ceremony. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13045] Berlin and Ted Futters](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13045%5D%20IB%20and%20others%20at%20the%20Wolfson%20topping%20out%20ceremony.jpg)
[13045] Berlin and Ted Futters
Berlin tops out the Wolfson buildings with Ted Futters. Held by Wolfson College Archives.

![[13046] Berlin and the Queen at Wolfson College](/sites/default/files/2018-02/%5B13046%5D%20Berlin%20and%20Queen%20at%20Wolfson_1.jpg)
[13046] Berlin and the Queen at Wolfson College
Isaac Wolfson (L) looks on as Berlin introduces a woman to Queen Elizabeth II. 2/5/65 saw the Wolfson Foundation Stone laying ceremony.

![[13047] Philip Powell shows the Queen a model](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13047%5D.jpg)
[13047] Philip Powell shows the Queen a model
Philip Powell shows the Queen a model, Moya and IB watching behind.

![[13048] Moya, Powell, IB, Queen](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13048%5D.jpg)
[13048] Moya, Powell, IB, Queen
Hidalgo Moya, Philip Powell, Berlin and the Queen stand together

![[13049] Queen, model](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13049%5D.jpg)
[13049] Queen, model
Philip Powell shows the Queen a model, Moya and IB watching behind.

![[13050] Queen performing ceremony at Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13050%5D.jpg)
[13050] Queen performing ceremony at Wolfson
The Queen at the Wolfson foundation stone ceremony.

![[13053] Harold Macmillan and the Queen](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13053%5D.jpg)
[13053] Harold Macmillan and the Queen
The Queen being welcomed by Harold Macmillan at the Wolfson foundation stone ceremony.

![[13052] Queen and IB](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13052%5D.jpg)
[13052] Queen and IB
The Queen and Berlin at the Wolfson foundation stone ceremony.

![[13054] Queen at Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13054%5D.jpg)
[13054] Queen at Wolfson
The Queen is being handed a ceremonial tool by an unidentified man, at the Wolfson Foundation Stone laying ceremony.

![[13055] Macmillan and the Queen](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13055%5D.jpg)
[13055] Macmillan and the Queen
Harold Macmillan accompanies the Queen at Wolfson.

![[13056] Queen meeting people](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13056%5D.jpg)
[13056] Queen meeting people
The Queen arrives at Wolfson, accompanied by Harold Macmillan and meeting Sir F Sandford, Kenneth Wheare, RPH Gasser, C G Smith, Derek Wyatt.

![[13057] Queen meeting people](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13057%5D.jpg)
[13057] Queen meeting people
The Queen arrives at Wolfson, accompanied by Harold Macmillan and meeting C G Smith.

![[13058] Powell, Berlin and Queen](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13058%5D.jpg)
[13058] Moya, Powell, Berlin and Queen
Philip Powell and the Queen stand together. Berlin and Moya just visible behind.

![[13059] Powell and Queen](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13059%5D.jpg)
[13059] Powell and Queen
Powell with Queen. Berlin just behind.

![[13060] Group in Berlin Quad, Wolfson](/sites/default/files/2018-06/%5B13060%5D.jpg)
[13060] Group in Berlin Quad, Wolfson
Group in Berlin Quad, Aline Berlin present. Unknown date.

![[13061] Raymund Hoffenberg speaking](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B13061%5D.jpg)
[13061] Raymund Hoffenberg speaking
Berlin, Aline and others watch Raymund Hoffenberg speak in the Berlin Quad, Wolfson College. Unknown date.

![[13062] Berlin and Hoffenberg](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B13062%5D.jpg)
[13062] Berlin and Hoffenberg
Berlin and Raymund Hoffenberg in the Berlin Quad, Wolfson. Unknown date.

![[13063] Large group in Berlin Quad](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B13063%5D.jpg)
[13063] Large group in Berlin Quad
Large group in the Berlin Quad, Wolfson. Unknown date.

![[13064] Berlin receiving something](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B13064%5D.jpg)
[13064] Berlin receiving something
Berlin being presented with something, Aline and others watch. Berlin Quad, Wolfson College, unknown date.

![[13065] Hoffenberg speaking](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B13066%5D.jpg)
[13065] Hoffenberg speaking
Raymund Hoffenberg speaks in the Berlin Quad, watched by Margaret Hoffenberg. Unknown date.

![[13066] Isaiah Berlin in Berlin quad](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B13066%5D_0.jpg)
[13066] Isaiah Berlin in Berlin quad
Isaiah Berlin, Margaret Hoffenberg, Raymund Hoffenberg and John Stallworthy in the Berlin Quad. Unknown date.

![[13067] Purvis, Powell, Hardy](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B13067%5D.jpg)
[13067] Purvis, Powell, Hardy
Ian Purvis, Philip Powell and Henry Hardy in conversation, Wolfson College.

![[13068] Aline in conversation](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B13068%5D.jpg)
[13068] Aline in conversation
Aline talking to someone at the 25th Anniversary Foundation Dinner, Wolfson College.

![[13069] Aline in conversation at dinner](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B13069%5D.jpg)
[13069] Aline in conversation at dinner
Aline talking to a fellow guest at the 25th Anniversary Foundation Dinner, Wolfson College, Oxford, 14 June 1991

![[13070] Berlin in conversation](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B13070%5D.jpg)
[13070] Berlin in conversation
Isaiah Berlin talking to someone at the 25th Anniversary Foundation Dinner, Wolfson College.

![[13072] Berlin and Aline meeting the Hoffenbergs](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B13072%5D.jpg)
[13072] Berlin and Aline meeting the Hoffenbergs
Berlin and Aline walking in the Berlin quad, meeting Raymund and Margaret Hoffenberg, at the 25th Anniversary Foundation Dinner, Wolfson College.

![[13073] Berlin at Anniversary dinner](/sites/default/files/2018-07/%5B13073%5D.jpg)
[13073] Berlin at Anniversary dinner
Berlin and others at table for the 25th Anniversary Foundation Dinner, Wolfson College.