‘Vico’ - lecture delivered at the Italian Institute
- lecture delivered at the Italian Institute, London, 6 May 1969
View document, below, for PDF (10,147 words)
View document, below, for PDF (10,147 words)
‘Don Giovanni at Aix-en-Provence’, talk on BBC Third Programme, recorded 30 August 1949
‘Romanticism, Politics and Ethics’, Keller Lecture, West Hartford, Connecticut, 1963
‘Philosophy’, talk given to the Cambridge Moral Sciences Club, 20 May 1955
View document, below, for PDF of the talk.
‘Aristotelian Society Synopses II’, contributions (on 36 and 64) to J. W. Scott (ed.), A Synoptic Index to the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. II: 1950–1959 (London, 1961: Harrison & Sons), 16–18
‘Aristotelian Society Synopses I’, contributions (on 20 and 25) to J. W. Scott (ed.), A Synoptic Index to the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1900–1949 (Oxford, 1954: Basil Blackwell), 013 [sic]
‘The German Intellectuals’ (letter), Spectator 155 (1935) no. 5601 (1 November 1935), 721–2
‘Israel and the Palestinians’ (16 October 1997), Ha'aretz, 7 November 1997, 1 (published within an article announcing IB’s death)
Comment on Rabindranath Tagore, Towards Universal Man (London, 1961)