The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
'Are We Naturally Good?', review of Henry Vyverberg, Historical Pessimism in the French Enlightenment, French Studies 14 (1960), 167–70
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(with others) ‘S.A. Boycott’ (letter), Isis, 11 May 1960, 19
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Letter from IB to the Editor, The Times Literary Supplement, 2 December 1960, 779, on 'Tolstoy and the Enlightenment'
- Occasioned by the TLS editorial (author, C. M. Woodhouse), Friday 25 November 1960, issue number 3065, 759, 'Tolstoy and Enlightenment'
- Both the editorial and IB's letter were occasioned by IB's lecture ‘Tolstoy and Enlightenment’, the Hermon Ould Memorial Lecture for 1960 (Bib.82)
Bobbio, Norberto, ‘Kant e le due libertà’ (1960), in id., Teoria generale della politica, ed. Michelangelo Bovero (Turin, 1999: Einaudi), 40–53
Cohen, M., ‘Berlin and the Liberal Tradition’, Philosophical Quarterly 10 (1960), 216–27
Nagel, E., ‘Determinism in History’, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 20 (1959–60), 291–317, at 311–16
‘Introduction’ to Franco Venturi, Roots of Revolution
‘Russkoe narodnichestvo’, trans. S. Boroditsky, in Istoriya svobody: Rossiya (Moscow, 2001: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie)
‘History and Theory: The Concept of Scientific History’
(in part)
‘Rekishi to riron: kagakuteki rekishi no gainen’, trans. Hideo Uchiyama, Rekishi ni okeru kagaku toha Nanika, ed. and trans. H. Uchiyama (Tokyo, 1978: Sanichi Shobo)
‘Estestvennaya li nauka istoriya?’, trans. I. Sverdlov, in Filosofiya svobody: Evropa (Moscow, 2001: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie)
‘Marx’ (in J. O. Urmson (ed.), Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy and Philosophers (London, 1960: Hutchinson; 2nd ed. 1975))
‘The Philosophical Ideas of GiambattistaVico’
Tolstoy and Enlightenment: the Hermon Ould Memorial Lecture for 1960
- Hermon Ould Memorial Lecture for 1960 (sponsored by P.E.N.)
- Recording date: 23/11/60, Friends’ House, London
- First transmission: 9.15 pm 7/1/61 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 40 minutes
- Repeat(s): 6.50 pm 19/3/61 BBC Third Programme
- Producer: Anna Kallin
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BLSA Tape T10780R
- Publication: ‘Tolstoy and Enlightenment’, Encounter 16 No 2 (February 1961), 29–40 (Bib.82)
- Insert for Rabindranath Tagore Centenary [7/5/61] Programmes For India
- Recording date: 16/11/60
- First transmission: 7/5/61?
- Transcript: not at BBC Written Archives under Tagore [a preparatory typescript, and the lecture used as a source (Bib.234), are in the Berlin Papers in Oxford]
Equality 1: In Search of a Definition
- Discussion with Stuart Hampshire (chair), Herbert Hart, Enoch Powell, Bernard Williams, Raymond Williams
- Recording date: 6/6/61
- First transmission: 9.10 pm 25/11/61 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 59 minutes 31 seconds
- Repeat(s): 9.00 pm 14/12/61 BBC Third Programme
- Series: Equality (No 1 of 6)
- Presenter: Stuart Hampshire
- Producer: Helen Arbuthnot
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives; 2 early (i.e. not finally edited) drafts in Berlin papers
- Recording: (first 32 minutes only) BLSA Tape T11066R
The Philosophy of History
- Talk
- First transmission: 29/11/61, BBC All India Radio
- Duration: 18 minutes 8 seconds
- Transcript: Berlin Papers
- Recording: All India Radio; BLSA Tape C350/3
‘La théorie politique existe-t-elle?’, Revue française de science politique 11 (1961), 309–37
- repr. in English as ‘Does Political Theory Still Exist?’ in Peter Laslett and W. G. Runciman (eds), Philosophy, Politics and Society, 2nd Series (Oxford, 1962: Blackwell): see also Michael Oakeshott's review of Laslett and Runciman, Philosophical Quarterly 15 no. 60 (July 1965), 281–2; Oakeshott's remarks on IB (his only published comments on his work?) are on 282
- repr. in Concepts and Categories, and Proper Study of Mankind
- trans. Estonian, Japanese, Spanish
(unattributed) ‘Research Institutions’, chapter 9 of Research in the Humanities and the Social Sciences: Report of a Survey by the British Academy 1958–1960 (London, 1961: Oxford University Press)
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‘Aristotelian Society Synopses II’, contributions (on 36 and 64) to J. W. Scott (ed.), A Synoptic Index to the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. II: 1950–1959 (London, 1961: Harrison & Sons), 16–18
‘Tolstoy and Enlightenment’, Hermon Ould Memorial Lecture for 1960, Encounter 16 no. 2 (February 1961), 29–40
- repr. in Mightier Than The Sword (London, 1964: Macmillan), Ralph E. Matlaw (ed.), Tolstoy: A Collection of Critical Essays (Englewood Cliffs, [1967]: Prentice-Hall)
- repr.Russian Thinkers
- trans. Russian, Spanish
- see also Bib.80(b), IB to the Editor, TLS, 2 December 1960; and the BBC broadcast, B.20, which was first transmitted 7/1/61
'The Evils of Nationalism', review of Elie Kedourie, Nationalism, Oxford Magazine, New Series 1 (1960–1), 147–8
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