The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
(unattributed) ‘The Collected Poems of G. K. Chesterton’, review of The Collected Poems of G. K. Chesterton, Pauline 46 no. 306 (February 1928), 13–15

‘Reflections on the Art of John Armstrong (O.P.)’, Debater (St Paul’s School) no. 9 (March 1928), 4

The Truro Prize Essay (1928) (on freedom), Debater (St Paul’s School) no. 10 (November 1928), 3, and no. 11 (July 1929), 22
- repr. as ‘Freedom’ in Flourishing

(ed. with others) The Radiator (St Paul’s School) vol. 1 no. 1 (Summer 1928)
- if (as seems likely) there are any contributions by IB, they are unsigned
- one that is almost certainly his is ‘Our Interview with GKC’, 24–5 (repr. at Flourishing 7–8)

‘Pelican s’en va-t-en guerre: a tale of war and peace’, Pelican Record 19 no. 2 (March 1929), 34–6
- IB was one of the editors of this journal, the magazine of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, from vol. 19 no. 4 (December 1929) to vol. 20 no. 4 (June 1932)
- every issue contains unsigned items, some of which may be his

(unattributed) Review of Oliver Elton, C. E. Montague: A Memoir, Pelican Record 19 no. 4 (1929), 85–6

'Music Chronicle' in Oxford Outlook 10 no. 53 (November 1930) 616–27
- The first of a series of five reviews of recent musical events in Oxford written by IB and published between 1930 and 1932
- IB adopted the pseudonym ‘Albert Alfred Apricott’, or 'A.A.A.'
- See also the compilation 'Isaiah Berlin on Music', Bib.299
IB edited six issues of this periodical, nos 52–7 (May 1930 to February 1932, in vols 10–12)
- jointly with Arthur Calder-Marshall for no. 52
- with Richard Goodman for nos 55–7
- there are unsigned editorials in vol. 10 no. 52 (May 1930), 467–9, and vol. 11 no. 56 (November 1931), 157–60, which may be wholly or partly by IB, though the style is not obviously his.

Review of Ernst Benkard, Undying Faces, Oxford Outlook 10 no. 53 (November 1930), 628–30

‘Music Chronicle’, Oxford Outlook 11 no. 54 (March 1931), 49–53
- The second of a series of five reviews of recent musical events in Oxford written by IB and published between 1930 and 1932
- IB adopted the pseudonym ‘Albert Alfred Apricott’, or 'A.A.A.'
- See also the compilation 'Isaiah Berlin on Music', Bib.299

‘Music Chronicle’, Oxford Outlook 11 no. 55 (June 1931), 131–5
- The third of a series of five reviews of recent musical events in Oxford written by IB and published between 1930 and 1932
- IB adopted the pseudonym ‘Albert Alfred Apricott’, or 'A.A.A.'
- See also the compilation 'Isaiah Berlin on Music', Bib.299

(unattributed) ‘Oglethorpe University, Ga’, Pelican Record 20 no. 2 (March 1931), 34–40

‘Alexander Blok’, editorial, Oxford Outlook 11 no. 55 (June 1931), 73–6
- see also letter from D. S. Mirsky with comment from IB, ibid. no. 56 (November 1931), 224–5

Translation of Alexander Blok, ‘The Collapse of Humanism’, Oxford Outlook 11 no. 55 (June 1931), 89–112

‘Music Chronicle’, Oxford Outlook 12 no. 57 (February 1932), 61–5
- The fourth of a series of five reviews of recent musical events in Oxford written by IB and published between 1930 and 1932
- IB adopted the pseudonym ‘Albert Alfred Apricott’, or 'A.A.A.'
- See also the compilation 'Isaiah Berlin on Music', Bib.299

‘Music Chronicle’, Oxford Outlook 12 no. 58 (May 1932), 133–8
- The fifth of a series of five reviews of recent musical events in Oxford written by IB and published between 1930 and 1932
- IB adopted the pseudonym ‘Albert Alfred Apricott’, or 'A.A.A.'
- See also the compilation 'Isaiah Berlin on Music', Bib.299

Review of Leonard Woolf, After the Deluge, Oxford Outlook 12 no. 57 (February 1932), 68–70

Review of Havelock Ellis, Views and Reviews: First Series, Criterion 12 no. 7 (January 1933), 295–8