The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
The Hedgehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy’s View of History (London, 1953: Weidenfeld and Nicolson; New York, 1953: Simon and Schuster; New York, 1957: New American Library; New York, 1986: Simon and Schuster, with an introduction by Michael Walzer)
- Originally published in a shorter form as ‘Lev Tolstoy’s Historical Scepticism’, Oxford Slavonic Papers 2 (1951), 17–54
- excerpt in John Curtis (ed.), Weidenfeld and Nicolson: Fifty Years of Publishing (London, 1999: Weidenfeld and Nicolson), 28–32
- repr. in Russian Thinkers and The Proper Study of Mankind (latter text reprinted separately) (London, 1992: Phoenix; Chicago, 1993: Ivan R. Dee) and excerpted as Tolstoy and History (London, 1996: Phoenix)
- trans. Finnish, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian (in part), Polish, Russian, Spanish
- anon., Plain View 8 no. 4 (February 1954), 236
- Gardiner, Patrick, Philosophy 30 (1955), 279–82
- Ivask, George, Russian Review 14 no. 4 (October 1955), 379–81
- Niebuhr, Reinhold, New Leader, 22 March 1954, 24
- Schlesinger, Arthur, ‘Many Things v. One Big Thing’, Encounter, November 1953, 77–9
2nd. edition, ed. Henry Hardy, foreword by Michael Ignatieff (Princeton, 2013: Princeton University Press)
- adds an appendix containing a parody by John Bowle (‘The Owl and the Pussy-Cat’)
- a review by A. J. P. Taylor
- (extracts from) letters (Bib.276)
- extracts from interviews with Michael Ignatieff, and other material
‘Israel: A Survey’, in The State of Israel (London, 1953: Anglo-Israel Association), 42–55
- repr. as ‘The Face of Israel’, Jewish Frontier 21 no. 5 (May 1954), 22–30, in Israel: Some Aspects of the New State (London, 1955: Anglo-Israel Association) and as ‘The Origins of Israel’ in Walter Z. Laqueur (ed.), The Middle East in Transition (London, 1958: Routledge and Kegan Paul), and The Power of Ideas
- trans. French, German
(unattributed) ‘Thinkers or Philosophers?’, review of N. O. Lossky, History of Russian Philosophy, The Times Literary Supplement, 27 March 1953, 197–8
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Review of Ernst Cassirer, The Philosophy of the Enlightenment, trans. F. C. A. Koelnn and J. P. Pettegrove, English Historical Review 68 (1953), 617–19
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Review of George L. Kline, Spinoza in Soviet Philosophy, Oxford Magazine 71 (1952–3), 232–3
'Virginia Woolf's Genius', Contribution to ‘Books of the Year’, Sunday Times, 20 December 1953, 6, on Virginia Woolf, A Writer’s Diary
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‘Madame Akhmatova’ (letter), New Republic, 14 September 1953, 22–3 (reply to article by Michael Straight)
[Carr, E. H.,] ‘Sociology’, The Times Literary Supplement, 9 January 1953, 25
- leading article on ‘Freedom and Its Betrayal’ - the six lectures given by IB on BBC radio's Third Programme, 1952, and later published as Freedom and Its Betrayal, edited by Henry Hardy
S[traight], M[ichael], ‘To Our Readers’, New Republic, 24 August 1953, 23
- on IB and Anna Akhmatova
Weitz, Morris, ‘Oxford Philosophy’, Philosophical Review 62 no. 2 (April 1953), 187–233, esp. pp. 189, 207–11
- a good survey article on Oxford Philosophy, including IB
- one of the few examples of someone finding similarities between IB’s philosophical method and ideas, and those of some of his Oxford contemporaries
The Hedgehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy’s View of History
Siili ja kettu, Tutkielma Tolstoin historianfilosofiasta, trans. Hanna Tarkka (Helsinki, 2004: Otava)
Der Igel und der Fuchs, trans. Harry Maor (Frankfurt am Main, 2009: Suhrkamp)
(Israel, 1979)
Tolstoj e la storia, trans. Aldo Rostagno (Milan, 1959: Lerici) (1978: Emme)
Harinezumi to kitsune, trans. Hidekazu Kawai (Tokyo, 1973: Chuokoron-Sha); Harinezumi to kitsune, trans. Hidekazu Kawai (Tokyo, 1997: Iwanami Shoten)
(2000: Daewon Media)
Ezys ir lape (Vilnius, 1995: Amzius)
Jeż i lis: esej o pojmowaniu historii u Tolstoja, trans. Andrzej Konarek, Henryk Krzeczkowski and Krystyna Tarnowska (Warsaw, 1993: Fundacja Aletheia, Pavo [includes trans. by Piotr Siemion of Joseph Brodsky, ‘Isaiah Berlin at Eighty’]); excerpt (The Proper Study of Mankind 436–7, Polish 27–8) in Przeglad Polityczny no. 54 (2002), 98 (Excerpt) ‘Jeż i lis’, trans. Henryk Krzeczkowski, in Twórczość, 28 no. 5 (May 1972), 84–96
‘Ezh i lisa’, trans. T[atiana] N. Krasavchenko, in Rossiiskiiliteraturovedcheskii zhurnal no. 7 (1996) ‘Ezh i lisa’, trans V. Mikhailin, in Istoriya svobody: Rossiya (Moscow, 2001: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie)
El erizo y la zorra , trans. Mario Muchnik (Madrid, 1981: Muchnik Editores) El erizo y la zorra, trans. Carmen Aguilar (Barcelona, 1998: Muchnik Editores) El erizo y la zorra, trans.Carmen Aguilar (Barcelona, 2002: Península)
‘Israel: A Survey’
‘Panorama d’Israel: formation d’une nation’, trans. Henriette Nizan, in Evidences no. 37 (January 1954), 15–22
‘Ideen in der Wüste: von der Disapora zum Staate Israel’, in Der Monat, Issue 8, no. 85 (October 1955), 21–32
Historical Inevitability [delivered under the title ‘History as an Alibi’], Auguste Comte Memorial Trust Lecture no. 1 (London, 1954: Oxford University Press), 76 pp.
- repr. in Auguste Comte Memorial Lectures 1953–1962 (London, 1964: Athlone Press), Four Essays on Liberty and Liberty, Patrick Gardiner (ed.), The Philosophy of History (London, 1974: Oxford University Press), and The Proper Study of Mankind
- excerpted in Hans Meyerhoff (ed.), The Philosophy of History in Our Time: An Anthology (New York, 1959: Doubleday), and Ronald. H. Nash (ed.), Ideas of History (New York, 1969: Dutton)
- trans. Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish
View Document (below) for a PDF of the reviews
‘Men Who Lead’ (on Chaim Weizmann), Jerusalem Post, 2 November 1954, 5, 6
- repr. as ‘The Anatomy of Leadership’ in Jewish Frontier 21 no. 12 (December 1954), 13–17, and as ‘Chaim Weizmann’s Leadership’ in The Power of Ideas
‘Realism in Politics’, Spectator 193 (1954), 774–6
- repr. in The Power of Ideas
‘Calling America to Greatness’, review of Adlai Stevenson, Call to Greatness, Sunday Times, 5 December 1954, 6
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(ed. with Stuart Hampshire and Richard Wollheim) The Library of Ideas, (London, 1954–6: Weidenfeld and Nicolson)
‘Aristotelian Society Synopses I’, contributions (on 20 and 25) to J. W. Scott (ed.), A Synoptic Index to the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 1900–1949 (Oxford, 1954: Basil Blackwell), 013 [sic]
Koestler, Arthur, ‘Judah at the Crossroads’ (1954), in id., The Trail of the Dinosaur and other essays (London, 1955)
- comments on IB’s essay ‘Jewish Slavery and Emancipation’
Toynbee, Philip, Friends Apart (London, 1954: MacGibbon and Kee; repr. London, 1980: Sidgwick and Jackson), 75–80