The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
Building: Letters 1960–1975, ed. Henry Hardy and Mark Pottle (London, 2013: Chatto and Windus; London, 2016: Pimlico)
- letter of 17 October 1962 to Aline Berlin repr. as ‘The Important Young Man’, New Republic, 11 February 2013, 53–4
‘Democracy, Communism and the Individual’
- Published in The Power of Ideas (2nd ed., 2013)
‘Hamann’s Origins’ (1965)
- Published in Three Critics of the Enlightenment (2nd ed., 2013)
‘My Philosophical Views’ (first draft of Bib.229), in the appendix to Concepts and Categories (2nd ed., 2013)
(Extracts from) letters to Leon Edel, R. Errera, the editor of the New York Review of Books, Lincoln Schuster, H. Paul Simon, Shiela Sokolov Grant and Edmund Wilson
- in the appendix to The Hedgehog and the Fox (2nd ed., 2013)
‘Made of Wax after All’: (extracts from) letters to Henry Hardy, on whether to publish what became Concepts and Categories
- in the appendix to Concepts and Categories (2nd ed., 2013)
(Extracts from) letters (see below), collected in the appendix to Against the Current (2nd ed., 2013)
- to Joseph Alsop, Jean Floud and A. J. P. Taylor on Machiavelli
- to Omar Haliq on Moses Hess and Zionism
- to Sidney Morgenbesser on pluralism, freedom and determinism
- to Sidney Hook on various topics
Letters to Alain Besançon and Piero Gastaldo on Joseph de Maistre, and to Geert Van Cleemput on nationalism
- appendix to The Crooked Timber of Humanity (2nd ed., 2013)
(Extracts from) letters to P. H. Newby, Helen Rapp and John Walker on IB's Mellon Lectures
- in the appendix to The Roots of Romanticism (2nd ed., 2013)
Letters to Quentin Skinner on Vico, and to Gwen Griffith Dickson and Mark Lilla on Hamann
- in the appendix to Three Critics of the Enlightenment (2nd ed., 2013)
Five early drafts of ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’
- the first and third drafts, and parts of others, are incorporated into the appendix to Freedom and its Betrayal (2nd ed., 2014)
Michael Ignatieff, extracts from interviews
- in The Hedgehog and the Fox (2nd ed., 2013)
Albert, Simon, ‘The Wartime “Special Relationship” 1941–45: Isaiah Berlin, Freya Stark and Mandate Palestine’, Jewish Historical Studies 45 (2013), 103–30
- View Document (below) for PDF
Auers, Daunis, ‘ “We lay claim to him!” Isaiah Berlin, Mark Rothko, Sergei Eisenstein and the Construction of a Modern Latvian National Identity’, National Identities 15 no. 2 (June 2013), 125–38
Blattberg, Charles, ‘Dirty Hands’ and ‘Isaiah Berlin’ in Hugh LaFollette (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ethics (Maiden, MA, and Chichester, 2013: Wiley–Blackwell)
- updated in online edition 2015: ‘Dirty Hands’; ‘Isaiah Berlin’
Butin, Alexis, ‘Espace de transparence et société décente selon Isaiah Berlin’, Alphée 5 (March 2013), 58–63
Cherniss, Joshua L., ‘Isaiah Berlin’s Thought and Its Legacy: Critical Reflections on a Symposium’, European Journal of Political Theory 12 no. 1 (January 2013), 5–23
Colen, José, Pedro Ferro and António Baião, ‘Depois d’O Príncipe: As leituras de Isaiah Berlin, Raymond Aron e Maquiavel no seu tempo’ (‘After The Prince: Berlin and Aron’s Readings and Machiavelli in His Own Time’), Fundamento: Revista de Pesquisa em Filosofia no. 7 (July–December 2013), 57–73
Crowder, George, ‘Communitarianism and Liberalism’, in Gregory Claeys (ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern Political Thought (Washington, DC, 2013: CQ Press)
Crowder, George, ‘Between Logic and Psychology: The Links between Value Pluralism and Liberal Theory’, Review of Politics 75 no. 1 (2013), 103–10