The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue

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Coser, Ivo, ‘The Concept of Liberty: the Polemic between the Neo-Republicans and Isaiah Berlin’, Brazilian Political Science Review 8 no. 3 (September–December 2014), 39–65

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Crowder, George, ‘Conflicting Pluralisms’, European Journal of Political Theory 13 (2014), 488–96

  • review of Arie M. Dubnov, Isaiah Berlin: The Journey of a Jewish Liberal, Peter Lassman, Pluralism, and Christopher McMahon, Reasonable Disagreement: A Theory of Political Morality
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Crowder, George, ‘Value Pluralism, Diversity and Liberalism’, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 18 no. 1, 16 pp.

  • published online 20 September 2014
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Crowder, George, ‘Value Pluralism and Monotheism’, Politics and Religion 7 no. 4 (December 2014), 818–40

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Davidzon, Vladislav, ‘Grande Dame of London Literary World Dies at 99’, Tablet, 10 September 2014

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Devellennes, Charles, ‘Choice, Blind Spots and Free Will: An Autopoietic Critique of Isaiah Berlin’s Liberalism’, Philosophy and Social Criticism, 40 no. 9 (November 2014), 895–911

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Granovskaya, Olga Leonidovna, ‘Isaiya Berlin: britanskiy liberalizm i russkaya filosofiya (dialog mirovozzreniy)’ [‘Isaiah Berlin: British Liberalism and Russian Philosophy (Dialogue of Worldviews)’] Voprosy filosofii 2014 no. 9, 51–9

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Gustavsson, Gina, ‘The Psychological Dangers of Positive Liberty: Reconstructing a Neglected Undercurrent in Isaiah Berlin’s “Two Concepts of Liberty” ’, Review of Politics 76 (2014), 267–91

  • reply by George Crowder, ‘Why We Need Positive Liberty’, ibid. 77 no. 2, 271–8
  • Gina Gustavsson, ‘Reply to Crowder’, ibid. 279–4
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Herken, Bregg, The Georgetown Set: Friends and Rivals in Cold War Washington (New York, 2014: Knopf)

  • there are numerous references to IB
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Hiruta, Kei, ‘The Meaning and Value of Freedom: Berlin Contra Arendt’, The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms 19 (2014) no. 7, 854–68 (published online 30 September 2014)

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Jahanbegloo, Ramin, ‘Two Concepts of Pluralism: A Comparative Study of Mahatma Gandhi and Isaiah Berlin’, Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 nos 4–5 (May–June 2015), 383–91

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Kaminskaya, Anna, ‘Angliiskaya “akhmatovka”: iz dnevnika’ [‘English “Akhmatoviana”: From a diary’], Zvezda 2014 no. 6

  • notes on Akhmatova’s trip to England in June 1965
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Kibe, Takashi, ‘Berlin no. Herzen ron: Kojin, Jiyu, Genjitsu Kankaku’ [‘Berlin on Herzen’], Roshia Shisoshi Kenkyu [Study of the History of Ideas in Russia] 5 (2014), 3–27

  • includes synopsis in Russian
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(in Chinese) Ma Hualing, ‘Pluralism and Relativism: The Debate between Isaiah Berlin and Leo Strauss’, Academic Monthly 46 no. 2 (February 2014), 32–40

  • ends with abstract in English
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Mendes Silva, Elisabete, ‘Liberal Imperialism and the Origins of Israel: The Position of Isaiah Berlin’, in Ana Cristina Mendes and Cristina Baptista (eds), Reviewing Imperial Conflicts (Newcastle, 2014: Cambridge Scholars Publishing),

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Mori, Tatsuya, ‘Isaiah Berlin no. Paresuthina: liberaru sionisuto no. shouzou’ [‘Isaiah Berlin’s Palestine: Portrayal of a Liberal Zionist’], Seiji tetsugaku [Political Philosophy] 17 (2014), 30–67

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Munro, Doug, ‘The “Intrusion” of Personal Feelings: Biographical Dilemmas’, Flinders Journal of History and Politics 30 (2014), 3–20

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Ricciardi, Mario, ‘Libertà, pluralismo e liberalismo: la lezione di Isaiah Berlin’, in Richard Bernstein, Salvatore Veca and Mario Ricciardi, Omnia mutantur: la scoperta filosofica del pluralismo culturale (Venice, 2014: Marsilio)

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[Rubin, Eli,] ‘The Berlins of Oxford and Their Opposing Origins in Tsarist Russia’, Chabad-Revisited, 11 September 2014

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