The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue

To browse articles on IB simply enter 'OA' in Bib Reference box above; 'OB' for books; and 'OT' for theses.

White, Morton, The Foundations of Historical Knowledge (New York, 1965: Harper & Row), 275 ff.

Works on IB

‘Herder and the Enlightenment’


  • ‘Herder’, trans. Hernando Valencia Goelkel, in ECO: Revista de lacultura de occidente (Bogota) 12, Nos 2–4 (December–February 1965) [Nos 68–70], respectively 133–58, 299–336, 392–424
  • ‘Herder y la Illustración’, in Isaiah Berlin, Antología de ensayos, ed. Joaquín Abellán (Madrid, 1995: Espasa Calpe)

‘Sulla teoria del Vico circa la conoscenza storica’ In Lettere italiane 17 no. 4 (October–December 1965), 420–31


New Oxford College: an interview with Derek Cooper on IB's appointment as the founding ‘Master’ [i.e. President] of Wolfson College, Oxford

  • Recording date: 29/6/66
  • First transmission: 7.15/8.15 am 30/6/66 BBC Home Service
  • Series: Today
  • Presenter: Jack de Manio
  • Transcript: BBC Written Archives (presenter’s contributions only); IB’s contributions transcribed by Henry Hardy
  • Recording: BBC Sound Archives LP30291

Some Sources of Romanticism: the six A. W. Mellon Lectures (sponsored by the Bollingen Foundation), delivered at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, March–April 1965 (there is a link to a recording of each lecture in the titles below):

  1. In Search of a Definition
  2. The First Attack on Enlightenment
  3. The True Fathers of Romanticism
  4. The Restrained Romantics
  5. Unbridled Romanticism
  6. The Lasting Effects
  • Recording dates: 14/3, 21/3, 28/3, 4/4, 11/4, 18/4/65
  • First transmission: 7.55 pm 10/8, 8.00 pm 16/8, 7.55 pm 23/8, 7.30 pm 29/8, 7.30 pm 5/9, 7.30 pm 12/9/66 BBC Third Programme
  • Durations: 51 minutes 26 seconds, 57 minutes 45 seconds, 53 minutes 20 seconds, 58 minutes 7 seconds, 58 minutes 20 seconds, 69 minutes 32 seconds
  • Repeat(s): 5/10, 9/10, 17/10, 24/10, 30/10, 6/11/67 BBC Third Programme (all at 7.30 pm); 1975 in Australia (without IB’s approval); 8.15 pm 6/6, 10.00 pm 12/6/89 etc. BBC Radio 3 in An Evening with Sir Isaiah Berlin
  • Producer: Helen Rapp
  • Transcript: BBC Written Archives; Berlin Papers
  • Recording: BBC Sound Archives T31558–63; BLSA Tapes T132R, T274W, T272W, T10191W, T256W, T275W

Joseph de Maistre

  • Woodbridge Lecture, Columbia University, New York
  • Recording date: (27?) October 1965
  • Duration: 61 minutes
  • Series: ‘Two Enemies of the Enlightenment’ (four lectures by IB, of which this was the 3rd – cf. previous item)
  • Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (edited)
  • Recording: BLSA Tape T11064WR; podcast; available on YouTube here
  • Publication: cf. ‘Joseph de Maistre and the Origins of Fascism’, in The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas (London, 1990: John Murray; New York, 1991: Knopf; London, 1991: Fontana Press; New York, 1992: Vintage Books) = Bib.200
  • NB: there is no written or spoken record of the first and last of the four lectures

Introduction to Marc Raeff (ed.), Russian Intellectual History (New York/Chicago/Burlingame, 1966: Harcourt, Brace and World; Hassocks, 1978: Harvester; New York, 1978: Humanities Press), 3–11


Preface to H. G. Schenk, The Mind of the European Romantics (London, 1966: Constable; New York, 1969: Doubleday; Oxford, 1979: Oxford University Press), xiii–xviii

  • repr. as ‘The Essence of European Romanticism’ in The Power of Ideas (2nd ed., 2013)
  • trans. Japanese, Spanish

‘L. B. Namier: A Personal Impression’, in Martin Gilbert (ed.), A Century of Conflict, 1850–1950: Essays for A. J. P. Taylor (London, 1966: Hamish Hamilton)

  • repr. in Encounter 27 no. 5 (November 1966), 32–42 (and see letter, 28 no. 1 (January 1967), 92 - view document below)
  • Journal of Historical Studies 1 (1967–8), 117–36
  • Personal Impressions

(with Mary McCarthy and others) ‘The Founders’ (letter), Time, 16 September 1966, 10


‘The Great Blood Libel Case’, review of Maurice Samuel, Blood Accusation: The Strange History of the Beiliss Case, Jewish Chronicle Literary Supplement, 23 December 1966, 3–4

  • repr. as ‘The Beiliss Case: Prelude to Revolution’ in Midstream 13 No.2 (February 1967), 66–72

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‘New Ways in History’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 21 April 1966, 347



Endorsement of Walter Kaufmann, Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts and Commentary

  • on jacket of UK edition (London, 1966: Weidenfeld and Nicolson)
  • on cover of US paperback edition, Hegel: A Reinterpretation (New York, 1966: Anchor Books)
  • repr. on Walter Kaufmann, Discovering the Mind (New York, 1980: McGraw-Hill), vol. 1, Goethe, Kant and Hegel

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The Social Responsibility of the Artist.

  • Text of a lecture delivered at the eighty-first annual meeting of the Modern Language Association of America, New York City, Tuesday 27 December 1966

Henry Brandon, ‘A Philosopher Looks at the Future’, in Conversations with Henry Brandon (London, 1966: Deutsch), 11–39

  • unauthorised repr., ‘My Hopes and Fears’, Sunday Times, 6 November 1966, 41–2

Derek Cooper, ‘New Oxford College’, on appointment as President of new Wolfson College, Oxford, Home Service, 30 June 1966


[Barraclough, Geoffrey,] ‘New Ways in History’, The Times Literary Supplement, 7 April 1966, 295

Works on IB

Bowra, C. M., Memories: 1898–1939 (London, 1966: Weidenfeld & Nicolson)

Works on IB

Buder, Leonard, ‘Sir Isaiah Berlin, Philosopher, to Join City University in Fall’, New York Times, 8 February 1966, 1

Works on IB

Caute, David, ‘Crisis in All Souls: A Case-History in Reform’, Encounter, March 1966, 3–15

  • repr. in Collisions: Essays and Reviews (London, 1974: Quartet Books), 12–40, with a postscript dated January 1973, 40–5
Works on IB