The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
‘A Note on Vico’s Concept of Knowledge’, in Giorgio Tagliacozzo and Hayden V. White (eds), Giambattista Vico: An International Symposium (Baltimore, [1969]: Johns Hopkins Press), 371–7
- repr. in New York Review of Books, 24 April 1969, 23–6
- repr. Against the Current
- trans. Spanish
‘One of the Boldest Innovators in the History of Human Thought’ (Vico), New York Times Magazine, 23 November 1969, 76–100
- repr. in Ben Seligman (ed.), Molders of Modern Thought (Chicago, 1970: Quadrangle Books)
- repr. The Power of Ideas (2nd ed., 2013)
- trans. Spanish
- lecture delivered at the Italian Institute, London, 6 May 1969
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‘Reply to Orsini’, Journal of the History of Ideas 30 (1969), 91–5
- a reply to G. N. G. Orsini, ‘Feuerbach’s Supposed Objection to Hegel’, ibid., 85–90
- abstract in the Philosopher’s Index 3 (1969), 282
‘Books of 1969: A Personal Choice’, contribution to ‘Books of the Year: A Personal Choice’, The Observer, 21 December 1969, 17
Chapman, John W., ‘Voluntary Association and the Political Theory of Pluralism’, in J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman (eds), Voluntary Associations (New York, 1969: Atherton Press) [Nomos 11], 92, 109
d’Entrèves, Alessandro Passerin, ‘Sul concetto di libertà politica’, Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto 46 (1969), 286–97
Cohen, Gerald A., ‘A Note on Values and Sacrifices’ (reply to MacCallum), Ethics 79 (1968–9), 159–62
Hampshire, Stuart, ‘Vico and Language’, New York Review of Books, 13 February 1969, 19–22
Orsini, G. N. G., ‘Feuerbach’s Supposed Objection to Hegel’, Journal of the History of Ideas 30 (1969), 85–90
Rohatyn, Dennis A., ‘On Behalf of Ebel and Berlin’, Mill News Letter 5 no. 1 (Fall 1969), 6–9
- Izajah Berlin, Idete politike te shekullit XX dhe katër ese mbilirinë, trans. Bashkim Shehu (Elbasan, 1996: Onufri)
- Chetiri eseta za svobodata, trans. Iskraq Velinova (Sofia, 2000: Universitetsko Izdatelstvo‘Sv. Kliment Ochridski’)
- (Taipei, 1986: Linking Publishing: traditional script)
- Cetiri eseja o slobodi, trans. Neven Petrovic (Split, 2000: Feral Tribune)
- Ctyri eseje o svobode, trans. Martin Pokorny (Prague, 1999: Prostor)
- In Éloge de la liberté, trans. Jacqueline Carnaud and Jacqueline Lahana (Paris, 1988, 1990: Calmann-Lév, Presses Pocket)
- Freiheit: Vier Versuche, trans. Reinhard Kaiser (Frankfurt, 1995, 2006:Fischer)
- Tessera dokimia peri eleutherias, trans. Giannes Papademetriou (Athens, 2001: Scripta)
- (Israel,1971)
- Négy esszé a szabadságról, trans. Eros Ferencand Gábor Berényi (Budapest, 1990: Európa Könyvkiadó)
- Quattro saggi sulla liberta, trans. Marco Santambrogio (Milan, 1989: Feltrinelli)
- Jiyūron, trans. K. Ogawa, K. Koike, K. Fukuda, and K. Ikimatsu [with a translation of ‘Does Political Theory still Exist?’] (Tokyo, 1971: Misuzu Shobo)
- Cetras esejas par brivibu, trans. Zane Rozenberga, introduction by Jānis Vējš (Riga, 2000: Spriditis)
- Cztery eseje o wolnosci, ed. Malgorzata Dziurdzik, trans. Hanna Bartoszewicz, Daniel Grinberg, Dorota Lachowska and Anna Tanalska-Duleba (Warsaw, 1994: Naukowe)
- Cztery eseje o wolnosci (Poznan, 2000: Zysk); excerpt from Introduction, pp. lvi–lvii, Polish, trans. Dorota Lachowska, pp. 55–6, Przeglad Polityczny no. 54 (2002), 133
- Quatro ensaios sobre a liberdade, trans. Wamberto Hudson Ferreira (Brasilia, 1981: Universidade de Brasilia)
- Patru eseuri despre libertate, trans. Laurentiu Stefan-Scalat, prefaceby Mihail Radu Solcan (Bucharest, 1996: Humanitas)
- Chetire esse o svobode, trans. Sima Weksler (London, 1992: Overseas Publications Interchange)
- Cetiri ogleda o slobodi, trans. Vesna Danilovic and Slavica Miletic, Libertasseries (Belgrade, 1992: Filip Visnjic)
- Introduction and items 54 and 71 (qq.v.) in Libertad y necesidad en lahistoria, trans. Julio Bayón, (Madrid, 1974: Revista de Occidente)
- Cuatro ensayos sobre la libertad (Madrid, 1988: Alianza) (reprinted 1998 in Ensayo)
- Fyra essäer om frihet, trans. Torkel Franzén(Avesta, 1984: Ratio)
- Chotiri ese pro svobodu, trans. Oleksandr Kovalenko (Kiev, 1994: Osnovi)
Foreword to Michael Yudkin (ed.), General Education: A Symposium on the Teaching of Non-Specialists
‘Gendai no chishiki to kyoiku’, trans. Kei Koike, Misuzu, no. 145 (September–October 1971), 2–10
‘A Note on Vico’s Concept of Knowledge’
‘Sulla teorica del Vico circa la conoscenza storica’ (Florence,1965: Olschki) ‘Sulla teorica del Vico circa la conoscenza storica’, in Lettere Italiane 17 no. 4 (October–December 1965), 420–31
‘Vico no chishiki gainen’, trans. Haruo Tanaka, Selected Works of Berlin, vol. 3 (Tokyo, 1984: Iwanami Shoten)
‘One of the Boldest Innovators in the History of Human Thought’
‘Uno de los más audaces innovadores en la historia del pensamiento humano’, trans. Enrique F. Bocardo, in Cuadernos sobre Vico, Nos 9–10 (1998), 11–22
Turgenev and the Dilemma of the Liberal Intellectual
- Romanes Lecture for 1970, Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford
- Recording date: 12/11/70
- First transmission: 9.00 pm 14/2/71 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 56 minutes
- Repeat(s): 4.30 pm 5/9/71 BBC Radio 3
- Producer: Adrian Johnson
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T33582; BLSA Tape T297R (another recording Tape T11065R)
- Publication: Fathers and Children: Turgenev and the Liberal Predicament (Oxford, 1972: Clarendon Press) = Bib.125
Weizmann as Exilarch
- Israel Goldstein Lecture, Jerusalem
- Recording date: 1970
- Duration: 35 minutes
- Recording: BLSA: Tape T10898R
- Publication: ‘Weizmann as Exilarch’, in Chaim Weizmann as Leader (Jerusalem, 1970: Hebrew University of Jerusalem) = Bib.119
Foreword to R. D. Miller, Schiller and the Ideal of Freedom: A Study of Schiller’s Philosophical Works with Chapters on Kant (Oxford, 1970: Clarendon Press), v
‘Benjamin Disraeli, Karl Marx, and the Search for Identity’, in Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England 22 (1968–9) (London, 1970: Jewish Historical Society of England)
- repr. in Midstream 16 no. 7 (August-September 1970), 29–49
- repr. in Against the Current
- trans. French, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Spanish
‘Weizmann as Exilarch’, in Chaim Weizmann as Leader (Jerusalem, 1970: Hebrew University of Jerusalem), 13–21
- trans. Hebrew
- View Document (below) for transcript