The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
‘I’m going to tamper with your beliefs a little’
- A dialogue with Stuart Hampshire on ‘Oxford philosophy’, especially J L Austin; the second of a series of six films on philosophy in Oxford, collectively entitled Logic Lane (also the title of the first film)
- Year of production: 1972
- Duration: 56 minutes 30 seconds
- Director: Michael Chanan
- Producer: Noel Chanan
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: the films are available online to universities with access to Edinburgh University’s Film & Sound Online holdings. They are also available on YouTube (the IB film begins here). There is an excerpt from the IB film in the first, introductory, film of the series. Another extract is available here. Access to 16 mm film through British Universities Film and Video Council (ref. 6HE 136); copy at BLSA, Tape V531 (the film includes an extract from a recording of J L Austin lecturing: a recording of the whole of this lecture is also available, BLSA Tape T10707).
- Publication: view document below

The Problem of Nationalism
- A dialogue with Stuart Hampshire, chaired by Bryan Magee
- Recording date: 6/11/72
- First transmission: 30/11/72 ITV (Thames Television)
- Duration: 51 minutes 21 seconds
- Series: Something to Say (No 25)
- Presenter: Bryan Magee
- Director: George Sawford
- Producer: Udi Eichler
- Transcript: Thames Television

Fathers and Children: Turgenev and the Liberal Predicament, Romanes Lecture (Oxford, 1972: Clarendon Press; repr. with corrections 1973), 61 pp.
- repr. in New York Review of Books, 18 October 1973, 39–44, 1 November 1973, 22–9, 15 November 1973, 9–11
- as introduction to Ivan Turgenev, Fathers and Sons, trans. Rosemary Edmonds (Harmondsworth, 1975: Penguin)
- in Russian Thinkers
- excerpted as ‘The Liberal Predicament’ in Dialogue 11 no. 4 (1978), 90–5
- trans. Japanese, Russian
- see also Bib.138, ‘Fathers and Children’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 12 January 1973, 40

Zionist Politics in Wartime Washington: A Fragment of Personal Reminiscence, Yaacov Herzog Memorial Lecture (Jerusalem, 1972: Hebrew University of Jerusalem), 61 pp.
- excerpted in Barnet Litvinoff (ed.), The Essential Chaim Weizmann: The Man, the Statesman, the Scientist (London, 1982: Wei Nicolson)
- originally to have been reprinted in Personal Impressions, but IB changed his mind: later repr. in Flourishing
- trans. Hebrew

Foreword to Friedrich Meinecke, Historism: The Rise of a New Historical Outlook, trans. J. E. Anderson (London, 1972: Routledge and Kegan Paul), ix–xvi
- repr. as ‘Meinecke and Historicism’ in The Power of Ideas (2nd ed., 2013)

‘The Bent Twig: A Note on Nationalism’, Foreign Affairs 51 (1972), 11–30
- repr. in James F. Hoge, Jr, and Fareed Zakaria (eds), The American Encounter: The United States and the Making of the Modern World, Essays from 75 Years of ‘Foreign Affairs’ (New York, 1997: Basic Books), and The Crooked Timber of Humanity
- trans. Arabic, French, German, Hungarian, Japanese, Spanish

‘Dr Jacob Herzog’, Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1972, 28, 43
- repr. as ‘Yaacov Herzog: a Tribute’ as preface to Bib.126 and in Misha Louvish (ed.), A People that Dwells Alone: Speeches and Writings of Yaacov Herzog (London, 1995: Weidenfeld and Nicolson)
- trans. Hebrew

‘Giambattista Vico’, Listener 88 (1972), 391–8
- repr. as ‘Giambattista Vico: Man of Genius’ in Three Critics of the Enlightenment (2nd ed., 2013)
- trans. Spanish

‘History as we would like it’, Worldview 15 no. 7 (July 1972), 16

Introductory remarks for Roy Jenkins, British Foreign Policy since 1945 (7th Thank-Offering to Britain Fund Lecture) (Oxford, 1972: Oxford University Press for the British Academy), 3

‘Sorel’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 14 January 1972, 40
- See also Bib.121, ‘Georges Sorel’, Creighton Lecture, The Times Literary Supplement, 31 December 1971

(with others) ‘In Memory of Cecil Roth’ (letter), Jewish Chronicle, 1 September 1972, 21
- view document below for PDF

(with Kenneth Burke) ‘An Exchange on Machiavelli’ (letters), New York Review of Books, 6 April 1972, 36

‘A Sympathiser with Zionism’ (letter to the editor, published in Hebrew translation), Ha’aretz, 17 November 1972, 26
- a response to Nathan Yellin-Mor, 'Apology of a Sceptic', in Ha’aretz, October 1972

John Amis, ‘Stravinsky Died a Year Ago’, Radio 3, 6 April 1972
- not subsequently published

Graham Martin, ‘Roots of Romanticism’, Radio 4, 16 October 1972
- not subsequently published

Fox, C. J., ‘Sorel’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 7 January 1972, 14

Hagihara, Nobutoshi, ‘Shiso heno tekii no nami: Isaiah Berlin, Jiyūron’ [‘The Wave of Hostility to Ideas: Isaiah Berlin’s Four Essays on Liberty’], Bungeishunju, December 1972, repr. in Shoshoshuyu [a collection of book reviews] (Tokyo, 1973: Bungeishunju), 157–76
- 136–53 in the reprint of Shoshoshuyu as no. 5 in the series The Hagiwara Nobutoshi Collection (Tokyo, 2008: Asahi Shimbunsha)
- View Document (below) for an English translation

Ilan, Amitzur, [in Hebrew] ‘Moyne Supported a Jewish State’ (‘reader’s letter’), Ha'aretz, 14 November 1972, 20
- comments on IB’s lecture ‘Zionist Politics in Wartime Washington’

Matteucci, Nicola, Il liberalismo in un mondo in trasformazione (Bologna, 1972: il Mulino)