The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
‘Sir John Wheeler-Bennett’ (supplementary obituary), The Times, 13 December 1975, 16

(with others) ‘Writers and the Closed Shop’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 25 April 1975, 441
- view document below for PDF

‘The End of the Ideal of a Perfect Society’ (1975), in The Sense of Reality (2nd ed., 2019)
Improved English text of Bib.272

Peter Jay, ‘Politics’, London Weekend Television, 31 August 1975
- For transcript, view document below (this is duplicated at B.57)

Hardy, Henry, ‘A Bibliography of Isaiah Berlin’, Lycidas (the magazine of Wolfson College, Oxford) 3 (1974–5), 41–5
- additions in the subsequent issue
- repr. in revised form in the first edition of Against the Current
- the bibliography is the basis of the present online catalogue, which is also available on the Isaiah Berlin Virtual Library (IBVL)

Steiner, Hillel, ‘Individual Liberty’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 75 (1974–5), 33–50 [API]

Wheeler-Bennett, John, Special Relationships: America in Peace and War (New York, 1975 [and London same year?]: St Martin’s Press/Macmillan)

‘The Apotheosis of the Romantic Will: The Revolt against the Myth of an Ideal World’
‘L’apoteosi della volontà romantica: la rivolta contro il tipo di un mondo ideale’ Lettere italiane 27 (1975), 44–68 (first publication)
‘Romansyugi ni okeru “Ishi” noSanbi: Risou Sekai no Shinwa ni taisuru Hanran’, in Selected Works of Berlin, 4 vols (Tokyo, 1983–92: Iwanami Shoten), Risou no tsuikyu, vol. 4 [translation of The Crooked Timber of Humanity by K. Fukuda, H. Kawai, H. Tanaka and R. Matsumoto] (1992)
‘Romantiskas gribas apoteoze: sacelšanās pret ideālas pasaulesmītu’, trans. and introduced by Jānis Nameisis Vejš, Kentaurs 21 no. 8 (March 1995),29–58
(1994: Estudios) [Chileonly]

Reconsidering John Stuart Mill: 2 Mill – The Manifold
- Symposium
- Recording date: 18/5/76
- First transmission: 9.25 pm 6/10/76 BBC Radio 3
- Duration (whole programme): 55 minutes
- Repeat(s): 9.30 pm 22/4/78 BBC Radio 3
- Series: 2nd of 2 programmes (1st 27/9/76)
- Presenter: Alan Ryan
- Producer: Leonie Cohn
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T37949; copy on British Library Sound Archive, London Tape T10213W

Vico and Herder: Two Studies in the History of Ideas (London, 1976: Hogarth Press; New York, 1976: Viking; New York, 1977: Vintage Books; London, 1980: Chatto and Windus; London, 1992: Hogarth Press)
- revised versions of ‘The Philosophical Ideas of Giambattista Vico’, ‘Herder and the Enlightenment’, and ‘Sulla teoria del Vico circa la conoscenza storica’ (a much expanded version of ‘Appendix: On Vico’s Epistemology’), with a new introduction
- repr. in revised form in Three Critics of the Enlightenment
- trans. Catalan, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese

Contribution to John Jolliffe (ed.), Auberon Herbert: A Composite Portrait (Tisbury, 1976: Compton Russell), 9–14
- repr. as ‘Auberon Herbert’ in Personal Impressions

‘Comment on Professor Verene’s Paper’ [Donald Phillip Verene, ‘Vico’s Philosophy of Imagination’, Social Research 43 (1976), 410–26], Social Research 43 (1976), 426–9
- repr. in Giorgio Tagliacozzo and others (eds), Vico and Contemporary Thought (London, 1976: Macmillan)
- trans. Spanish

‘Go There to Find Your Identity’, Jewish Chronicle, 16 April 1976
- supplement on 50th anniversary of the Friends of the Hebrew University, i–ii

Presidential Address, Proceedings of the British Academy 62 (1976), 85–94

‘Vico and the Ideal of the Enlightenment’, Social Research 43 (1976), 640–53
- repr. in Giorgio Tagliacozzo and others (eds), Vico and Contemporary Thought (London, 1976: Macmillan)
- repr. Against the Current without the last section, ‘The Workings of Providence’ (which is repr. in Three Critics of the Enlightenment (2nd ed., 2013))
- trans. Italian, Polish, Spanish

Letter dated 11 July 1973 to Douglas Villiers, in Douglas Villiers (ed.), Next Year in Jerusalem: Jews in the Twentieth Century (New York, 1976: Viking; London, 1976, Harrap), 106
- a response to Arthur Koestler, ‘The Vital Choice’, ibid., 98–105
- repr. in Building 538–9

‘Vico’s Doctrines’ (letter), History Today 26 (1976), 829–30
- a crushing reply to a review of Vico and Herder by Joanna Hodge (who had just graduated from Somerville College, Oxford, in Philosophy and Economics)
- View document (below) for the text

Martine de Courcel, ‘Malraux, the Russians of the thirties, and many other things, or Is the Parthian language really lost?’, in Martine de Courcel (ed.), Malraux: Life and Work (London, 1976: Weidenfeld and Nicolson)
- repr. in Partisan Review 43 (1976), 384–93

Alan Ryan, ‘Reconsidering John Stuart Mill, 2 Mill: The Manifold’, Radio 3, 6 October 1976
- not published

Beatty, Jack, ‘Intellectual Portraits’, Commentary 62 no. 5 (November 1976), 86–91