The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
Gray, John N., Liberalism (Milton Keynes, 1986: Open University Press. Minneapolis, 1986: University of Minnesota Press)
Nei, Yasuo, ‘Shokyokuteki jiyū to sekkyokuteki jiyū’ [‘Negative and Positive Freedom’], in Miyazaki daigaku kyouikugakubu kiyou, jinbunkagaku [Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Miyazaki University, the Humanities] no. 59 (1986), 79–90
Philp, Mark, Godwin’s Political Justice (London, 1986: Duckworth; Ithaca, 1986: Cornell University Press), 229
Rorty, R. ‘The Contingency of Language’, ‘The Contingency of Selfhood’ and ‘The Contingency of Community’, London Review of Books, 17 April, 8 May and 24 July 1986, 3–6, 11–15 and 10–14
Rorty, R., ‘Thugs and Theorists: A Reply to Bernstein’, Political Theory 15 (1986), 564–80
Veca, Salvatore, Una filosofia pubblica (Milan, 1986: Feltrinelli)
Walzer, M., ‘Introduction’ to Isaiah Berlin, The Hedgehog and the Fox (New York, 1986: Simon & Schuster), [i–xi]
Wilson, Edmund, The Fifties, ed. Leon Edel (New York/London, 1986: Farrar, Straus and Giroux/Macmillan)
‘The Cost of Curing an Oyster’ (see Bib.190)
- Russian (in part)
‘Yitzhak Sadeh’ (see Bib.192(c) )
- Russian In Jews in the Culture of Russia Abroad, vol. 3
‘David Cecil (1902–1986)’, in Reports for 1985–86 and 1986–87 (List of Fellows and Members for 1987) (London, [1987]: Royal Society of Literature), 34–41
- repr. in Hannah Cranborne (ed.), David Cecil: A Portrait by his Friends (Stanbridge, 1990: Dovecote Press) (as ‘A Close Colleague’s Assessment’)
- repr. in Personal Impressions (2nd ed., 1998)
‘Edmund Wilson at Oxford’, Yale Review 76 (1987), 139–51; repr. in:
- New York Times Book Review, 12 April 1987, 1, 40–2 (in part)
- Kai Erikson (ed.), Encounters (New Haven/London, 1989: Yale University Press)
- Guardian, 12 October 1989, 25, 47, John Patrick Diggins (ed.), The Liberal Persuasion: Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and the Challenge of the American Past (Princeton, 1997: Princeton University Press)
- Personal Impressions (2nd edition)
- trans. Italian, Spanish
Contribution to ‘Books of the Year: Who read what in 1987?’, Sunday Times, 29 November 1987, Books, 14
‘He Thinks When He Plays’ (letter), Financial Times, 22 December 1987, 19
- on Alfred Brendel
- repr. at Affirming, 331
Gavriel Cohen, 30 biographical interviews with IB, 1987–9
Yael Tamir-Rafaeli, ‘Israel Must be a Liberal Democracy’, Israeli Democracy, February 1987, 10–14
Barry, Norman, ‘Berlin, Isaiah’, in Roland Turner (ed.), Thinkers of the Twentieth Century (Chicago and London, 1987: St James Press), 71–3
Connolly, W., ‘Pluralism’, in D. Miller, J. Coleman, W. Connolly and A. Ryan (eds), The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Political Thought (Oxford, 1987: Basil Blackwell)
Dennett, Daniel (ed.), entry on ‘Berlin’ in The Philosophical Lexicon, 8th ed. [also in earlier editions?] (Newark, 1987: American Philosophical Association), 6
- berlin, N. An old-fashioned stage coach, filled with international travellers, all talking rapidly and telling anecdotes of vivid life elsewhere. ‘As the berlin came through town, one could hear many accents one had never heard before, and delightful tales.’
Charles Larmore, Patterns of Moral Complexity (Cambridge, 1987: Cambridge University Press)