The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
Wang Zuoliang, ‘Wenxue de Lundun, shenghuo de Lundun’ [‘London of Literature, London of Life’], in Xinzhi de fengjingxian [Scenery of the mind] (Beijing, 1991: SDX Joint Publishing Company), 139–154
- at 153, Wang quotes Empson (whom he visited in London in 1982, his first visit to Britain after his return to China in 1949); Wang congratulated Empson on his election to the British Academy, and Empson said that he had written to IB complaining that the British Academy was too closed an institution, preferring to support archaeology rather than talented young scholars; IB denied the charge

Margalit, Edna and Avishai (eds), Isaiah Berlin: A Celebration (London, 1991: Hogarth Press; Chicago, 1991 [paperback 2001]: University of Chicago Press)
- Annan, Noel, ‘So Unravaged by the Fierce Intellectual Life’, Spectator, 15 June 1991, 28–9

‘The Cousin from Oxford’
‘Der Vetter aus Oxford’, in Jutta Schall-Emden (ed.), Weder Pauken noch Trompeten: Für Yehudi Menuhin (Munich/Zurich, 1991: Piper), 30–3 Interview with Nathan Gardels, 1991
‘Minzu jingshen zai xing: lun minzuzhuyi zhi shan yu’e’, trans. Qiu Feng (pen name of the leading Chinese Hayekian Yao Zzhongqiu, now a Confucian liberal), in Zhijie minzhu yu jianjie minzhu [Direct Democracy and Representative Democracy] (Beijing, 1998: SDX Joint Publishing Company; Gonggong luncong [ Res Publica ] series, no. 5), 212–26

The Late Show. Interview by Michael Ignatieff
- Interview by Michael Ignatieff
- Recording date: 30/1/92
- First transmission: 11.15 pm 5/2/92 BBC2 Television
- Duration: 40 minutes
- Series: The Late Show
- Presenter: Michael Ignatieff
- Producer: David Herman
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tape V985 (off-air)

Nationalism: The Melting-Pot Myth. An interview with Bryan Magee.
- Interviews by Bryan Magee
- Recording date: 10/2/92
- First transmission: 19/2/92 BBC Radio 3
- Duration (whole programme): 48 minutes
- Series: What’s the Big Idea? (last of 12)
- Presenter: Bryan Magee
- Producer: Matt Thompson
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (IB’s portion)
- Recording: BLSA Tape B9090 (off-air)
- Publication: online on this site

Desert Island Discs
- Recording date: 25/2/92
- First transmission: 12.15 pm 19/4/92 BBC Radio 4
- Duration: 40 minutes
- Repeat: 9.05 am 24/4/92 BBC Radio 4; 12.15 pm 28/3/93 BBC Radio 4
- Series: Desert Island Discs
- Presenter: Sue Lawley
- Producer: Janet Lee
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (including 7,956 words of out-takes [5,155 words broadcast])
- Recording: BLSA Tape B9197 (off-air); also online

‘Alexander and Salome Halpern’ (in Russian translation), in a Russian collection: Mikhail Parkhomovsky (ed.), Jews in the Culture of Russia Abroad: Collected Articles, Publications, Memoirs and Essays, vol. 1, 1919–1939 (Jerusalem, 1992: M. Parkhomovsky), 229–41
- repr. in Mikhail Parkhomovsky and Andrey Rogachevsky (eds), Russian Jews in Great Britain: Articles, Publications, Memoirs and Essays [Russian Jewry Abroad, vol. 2] (Jerusalem, 2000: Mikhail Parkhomovsky)
- original English text published in Personal Impressions (3rd ed., 2014)

‘The Early Years’, in Freda Silver Jackson (ed.), Then and Now: A Collection of Recollections (Oxford, 1992: Oxford Jewish Congregation), 15–18
- repr. as ‘Jewish Oxford’ in Personal Impressions (3rd ed., 2014)

‘Reply to Ronald H. McKinney, “Towards a Postmodern Ethics: Sir Isaiah Berlin and John Caputo” [Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (1992), 395–407]’, Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (1992), 557–60
- repr. as ‘Reply to Ronald H. McKinney’ in The Crooked Timber of Humanity (2nd ed., 2013)

Introduction to Founders and Followers: Literary Lectures given on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the London Library (London, 1992: Sinclair-Stevenson), xi–xv

Introduction to programme for concert given to celebrate the inauguration of Israel’s new Supreme Court Building, November 1992, 2 pp.

Letters to Conor Cruise O’Brien in Conor Cruise O’Brien, The Great Melody: A Thematic Biography and Commented Anthology of Edmund Burke (London, 1992: Sinclair Stevenson), 612–15, 617–18

‘Mixing It’ (letter), Oxford Magazine, Noughth Week, Hilary Term 1992, 8

‘No Trace of Roguery’ (letter), Spectator, 11 January 1992, 22

(unattributed) ‘Professor H. L. A. Hart’ (obituary), The Times, 24 December 1992, 13

Contribution to feature on the literary canon, The Times Higher Education Supplement, 24 January 1992, 16

Appreciation of David Patterson, Centre Piece [Newsletter of the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies] No 10 (November 1992), 2

Comment in Charles C. Brown, Niebuhr and His Age: Reinhold Niebuhr’s Prophetic Role and Legacy (Philadelphia, 1992: Trinity Press International), i

Juan Cruz, Babelia (supplement to El Pais) no. 30, 9 May 1992, 13–15
- extract in Corriere della Sera, 19 July 1992, 5

John Lewis Gaddis, John Lewis Gaddis Papers on George F. Kennan, Princeton University, Interview with Isaiah and Aline Berlin, 29 November 1992