The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
Spencer, Vicki Ann, ‘Herder, Culture and Community: The Political Implications of an Expressivist Theory of Language’, D.Phil. thesis, Oxford University (1995)

The Kreutzer Sonata
- Interview with Humphrey Carpenter about Tolstoy’s story (a small fraction of a longer, unbroadcast interview about the BBC Third Programme, of which HC was writing a history)
- Recording date: 9/1/96, Oxford
- First transmission: 5.15 pm 18/1/96 BBC Radio 3 (this item c.7.05 pm)
- Duration: 6 minutes 25 seconds [whole interview 50 min?]
- Series: In Tune
- Producer: Jeremy Hayes
- Presenter: Humphrey Carpenter
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (whole interview)
- Recording: BLSA Tape H6408 (this section only)

Private Passions
- Interview/Choice of recordings
- First transmission: 12.00 pm 3/2/96 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Repeat: 12.00 pm 11/1/97 BBC Radio 3
- Series: Private Passions
- Producer: Ladbroke Radio
- Presenter: Michael Berkeley
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tape H6476
- Publication: Romulus [the magazine of Wolfson College, Oxford], [June] 2006, 5–8

Joseph Brodsky
- Documentary
- Recording date: 2/96
- First transmission: 7.30 pm 27/2/96 World Service
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Series: Meridian Feature
- Producer: Jenny Hargreaves
- Presenter: Elizabeth Robson
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy (IB’s small contribution only)
- Recording: BLSA Tape H8723

Reputations: Isaiah Berlin
- Unpublished
- Documentary with excerpts from IB’s broadcasts and contributions from John Drummond, Peter Laslett, Bryan Magee and Helen Rapp
- Recording date: 23/9/96
- First transmission: 9.35 pm 30/9/96 BBC Radio 3
- Duration: 25 minutes
- Series: Reputations (The Third at 50)
- Producer: Neil Trevithick
- Presenter: Michael Ignatieff
- Recording: BLSA Tape H7830

Menuhin at Eighty: A Celebration with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
- Concert for Menuhin’s Eightieth Birthday, Royal Albert Hall, London, April 1996; includes short pre-recorded contribution by IB
- Recording date (concert): 20/4/96
- First audio transmission: 7.30 pm 12/10/96 BBC Radio 2
- First video transmission: 2.05 pm 24/12/96 BBC2 Television
- Duration: 2 hours 7 minutes 35 seconds (concert); 25 seconds (IB: starts at 39:54)
- Producer: Richard Masters
- Presenter: David Attenborough
- Transcript: ‘He’s very sensitive to the sufferings of mankind. He hates armies. He hates nationalist conflict. And I’m sure he thinks that by going about from country to country, and by meeting musicians, and by making friends with them, and having a kind of international dimension to everything which he does, he does good.’
- Recording: BBC; BFI

The Sense of Reality: Studies in Ideas and their History, ed. Henry Hardy, with an introduction by Patrick Gardiner (London, 1996: Chatto and Windus; New York, 1997: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; London, 1997: Pimlico)
- a revised reprint of Bib.38 together with the original English version of Bib.216 and seven other previously unpublished essays, Bib.228 and Bibs.230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235
- trans. Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish
2nd ed., foreword by Timothy Snyder (Princeton, 2019: Princeton University Press)

‘Artistic Commitment: A Russian Legacy’ (1962, revised), in The Sense of Reality, 194–231
- trans. Russian

‘Berlin’, in Thomas Mautner (ed.), A Dictionary of Philosophy (Oxford, 1996: Blackwell), 51–2
- reissued with revisions as The Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy (London etc., 1997: Penguin) 67–9
- see also Bib.275, ‘My Philosophical Views’

‘Kant as an Unfamiliar Source of Nationalism’ (1972), in The Sense of Reality, 232–48

‘Marxism and the International in the Nineteenth Century’ (1964), in The Sense of Reality, 116–67
- trans. Russian

‘Philosophy and Government Repression’ (1953), in The Sense of Reality, 54–76

‘Political Judgement’ (1957), in The Sense of Reality, 50–66
- repr. as ‘On Political Judgement’ in New York Review of Books, 3 October 1996, 26–30
- see also B.12
- trans. German, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish

‘Rabindranath Tagore and the Consciousness of Nationality’ (1961)
repr. in The Sense of Reality, 249–66

‘The Sense of Reality’ (1953), in The Sense of Reality, 1–39
- trans. Italian, Russian

Contribution to ‘Why be Jewish?’, The UJS Haggadah (London, 1996: The Union of Jewish Students), 68

Supplementary obituary note on Lydia Chukovskaya, Guardian, 9 February 1996, 13

‘A Flick Back’ (letter), Guardian, 21 March 1996, 18

‘No Smoking in Class’ (letter), Sunday Telegraph, 2 June 1996, 30

(with others) ‘Solidarity with Turkish Writers’ (letter), Independent, 31 May 1996, 17