The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue

To browse articles on IB simply enter 'OA' in Bib Reference box above; 'OB' for books; and 'OT' for theses.

Michael Kenny, ‘Isaiah Berlin’s Contribution to Modern Political Theory’, Political Studies 48 (2000), 1026–39

Works on IB

Kralin, Mikhail, ‘Ser Isaiya Berlin i “Gost′ iz Budushchego” ’ [‘Sir Isaiah Berlin and “the Guest from the Future” ’], in his Pobedivshee smert′ slovo: stati ob Anne Akhmatovoi i vospominaniya o ee sovremennikakh [The Word That Has Vanquished Death: Essays on Anna Akhmatova and Memoirs on Her Contemporaries] (Tomsk, 2000), 190–221

  • this article, drafted in 1990, was due to appear alongside a Russian translation of IB’s 1980 memoir ‘Meetings with Russian Writers in 1845 and 1956’ (in Personal Impressions) – ‘Vstrechi s russkimi pisatelyami v 1945 i 1956 godakh’, trans. N. I. Tolstoy, Zvezda, 1990 no. 2 (February), 129–57 – but in the event the translation appeared without it
  • Kralin anticipates some of what is said in L. Kopylov, T. Pozdnyakova and N. Popova, ‘I eto bylo tak’: Anna Akhmatova i Isaiya Berlin [‘That’s How It Was’: Anna Akhmatova and Isaiah Berlin] (St Petersburg, 2009), whose authors argue with apparent plausibility that IB met Akhmatova on three further occasions not mentioned in his memoir: cf. Personal Impressions (3rd ed., 2014) 398/1
Works on IB

Levy, Jacob T., ‘Isaiah Berlin’, in The Encyclopedia of Nationalism (New York, 2000: Academic Press)

  • readers are advised to check factual detail
Works on IB

Levy, Jacob T., The Multiculturalism of Fear (New York, 2000: Oxford University Press)

  • esp. chapter 3, ‘The Impossibility of Universal Nationalism’, and chapter 4, ‘Pluralism, Diversity, and Preserving Cultural Communities’
Works on IB

Linker, Daman, ‘The Reluctant Pluralism of J. G. Herder’, Review of Politics 62 (2000), 267–93

Works on IB

Lobanov-Rostovsky, Nikita D., ‘Sir Isaiah Berlin, Oxford and I’, Numbers no. 3 (2000), 20–1

  • Russian trans. in a Russian collection: Mikhail Parkhomovsky and Andrey Rogachevsky (eds), Russian Jews in Great Britain: Articles, Publications, Memoirs and Essays [Russian Jewry Abroad, vol. 2] (Jerusalem, 2000: Mikhail Parkhomovsky), 36–40
  • View Document, below, for a background note
Works on IB

Marrone, Pierpaolo, article on IB in Roberto Esposito and Carlo Galli (eds), Enciclopedia del pensiero politico (Bari, 2000: Laterza), 67

Works on IB

Massarenti, Armando, ‘Machiavelli, aiutaci tu: contro tutte le utopie di vita perfetta’, Il sole ventiquattrore, 5 November 2000, Domenica, 25

  • accompanies an extract from the translation of ‘The Originality of Machiavelli’ in the Italian edition of Against the Current
Works on IB

Marzo, Enzo, ‘Sartori: “il pluralismo? Non sempre è buono” ’, La stampa, 4 May 2000

Works on IB

Mondry, Henrietta, ‘Sir Isaiah Berlin (1909–1997)’ (in Russian), in a Russian collection: Mikhail Parkhomovsky and Andrey Rogachevsky (eds), Russian Jews in Great Britain: Articles, Publications, Memoirs and Essays [Russian Jewry Abroad, vol. 2] (Jerusalem, 2000: Mikhail Parkhomovsky)

  • for a short summary View Document (below)
Works on IB

Naiman, Anatoly, ‘Sir’, Oktyabr 2000 no. 11 (November), 3–75, and no. 12 (December), 73–148

Works on IB

Nakano Takamitsu, ‘Tagenshugi sisou no. ichi keifu: Isaiah Berlin to Charles Taylor’ [‘Differences in Pluralism: Isaiah Berlin and Charles Taylor’], in Shakai shisou kenkyu [Annals of the Society for the History of Social Thought] no. 24 (2000), 42–4

  • also discusses John Gray
Works on IB

Pan´kovsky, Anatoly, ‘Isaya Berlin pra svabodu’ [Isaiah Berlin on freedom], Fragmenty 1–2 (2000), 79–92

Works on IB

Rainone, Antonio, article on IB in Enciclopedia italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti: Appendice 2000 (Rome, 2000: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana), 188–9

Works on IB

Rescher, Nicholas, Pluralism: Against the Demand for Consensus (Oxford, 2000: Oxford University Press), chapter 10

Works on IB

Ricciardi, Mario, ‘Libertà’, in Roberto Esposito and Carlo Galli (eds), Enciclopedia del pensiero politico (Bari, 2000: Laterza), 388–90

Works on IB

Jonathan Riley, ‘Crooked Timber and Liberal Culture’, in Baghramian and Ingram (eds), Pluralism: The Philosophy and Politics of Diversity

  • sympathetic to IB vs John Gray
Works on IB

Ruiz-Domènec, ‘Isaiah Berlin: del ostracismo a la cúspide’, La Vanguardia, 12 May 2000, 8–9

Works on IB

Sandall, Roger, The Culture Cult: Designer Tribalism and other essays (Boulder, Co., 2000: Westview Press)

  • a work dismissive of IB - cf. review by Samuel Brittan, ‘The Not So Noble Savage’, Prospect, October 2001
Works on IB

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., A Life in the Twentieth Century: Innocent Beginnings, 1917–1950 (Boston, 2000: Houghton Mifflin)

Works on IB