The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
Brock, Michael, ‘From the Archives: Michael Brock Remembers’, interview with Jeremy Black, College Record 2000–2001 ([Oxford, 2001: Wolfson College])
- insight into IB’s role in the establishment of the College
Cao Yiqiang, ‘The Berlin I Knew’ (in Chinese), Zhonghua dushubao (The Chinese Review of Books), 8 August 2001, 17
- includes comments on The Crooked Timber of Humanity and The Power of Ideas
Carter, Ian, and Ricciardi, Mario (eds), Freedom, Power and Political Morality: Essays for Felix Oppenheim (Basingstoke and New York, 2001: Palgrave)
Carter, Miranda, Anthony Blunt: His Lives (London, 2001: Macmillan)
Cohen, G. A., ‘Freedom and Money’
- An article published after the death of, and dedicated to the memory of, IB
- A precursor of the article was delivered as the first Isaiah Berlin Memorial Lecture in May 1998 in Haifa
- A Spanish translation of an earlier version appeared, under the title "Libertad y dinero", in Estudios Publicos (Santiago, Chile), No. 80, Primavera, 2000
Cowling, Maurice, Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England, vol. 3 (Cambridge, 2001: Cambridge University Press)
Dahrendorf, Ralf, ‘Il cuore di Berlin batteva per i lumi’, in Eugenio Scalfari (ed.), Attualità dell’illuminismo (Bari, 2001: Laterza)
Dénes, Iván Zoltán, ‘Egy európai liberális gondolkodó portréja’, in id., Európai mintakövetés – nemzeti öncélúság: Értékvilág és identitáskeresés a 19-20. századi Magyarországon (Budapest, 2001), 243–55
Dénes, Iván Zoltán, ‘Isaiah Berlin és Bibó István szabadságértelmezésének összehasonlítása’ [‘A comparison of Isaiah Berlin’s and István Bibó’s interpretations of liberty’], in id., Európai mintakövetés – nemzeti öncélúság: Értékvilág és identitáskeresés a 19-20. századi Magyarországon [ Adoption of European models versus national self-centeredness: value systems and the search for identity in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Hungary] (Budapest, 2001: Új Mandátum), 256–66
Dworkin, Ronald, ‘Do Values Conflict? A Hedgehog’s Approach’, Arizona Law Review 43 (2001), 251–9
Etkind, A., Preface to I. Berlin, Filosofiya svobody: Evropa [The History of Freedom: Europe] (Moscow, 2001: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie), 5–8
Ferrajoli, Luigi, ‘Tre concetti di libertà’, in Ida Dominijanni (ed.), Motivi della libertà (Milan, 2001: Franco Angeli), 169–85
Fetherling, George, ‘Christopher Hitchens runs amok’, Vancouver Sun, 28 July 2001, H16
García Guitián, Elena, ‘Monismo frente a pluralismo: una introducción a la visión política de Isaiah Berlin’, in R. Máiz (ed.), Teoría Política Contemporánea (Valencia, 2001: Tirant Lo Blanch)
Greenspan, Neil S., ‘You can’t have it all’, Nature 409, 11 January 2001, 137
Hama, Shinichiro, ‘Kachitagenron to liberalizumu no seigousei: Isaiah Berlin no. giron wo sozai to shite’ [‘Isaiah Berlin on Value-Pluralism and Liberalism’], Doshisha hogaku [Doshisha Law Review (The Doshisha Law Association, Faculty of Law, Doshisha University)] 52 no. 6 (2001), 149–221
Hardy, Henry, and others, ‘In Defence of Isaiah Berlin’ (letters), The Times Literary Supplement, 16 November 2001, 6 (Henry Hardy, John Hope Mason, Mario Ricciardi); 7 December 2001, 6 (Joshua Cherniss, Ian Harris)
Hertzberg, Arthur, ‘A Small Peace for the Middle East’, Foreign Affairs 80 no. 1 (January/February 2001), 139–47
- opens with an invocation of IB and refers to him again on 143
Hosoya, Yuichi, ‘Gaikoukan Isaiah Berlin: aru shisousika no. shozo’ [‘Isaiah Berlin as a Diplomat: A Portrait of a Historian of Thought’], Soubun no. 428 (2001), 27–31
Ignatieff, Michael, Human Rights as Politics and Idolatry (Princeton, 2001: Princeton University Press), 57, 80